Definition of spar

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Spar (v. i.) To use the fists and arms scientifically in attack or defense; to contend or combat with the fists, as for exercise or amusement; to box..

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Clarify :: Clarify (v. i.) To grow or become clear or transparent; to become free from feculent impurities, as wine or other liquid under clarification..
Aquamarine :: Aquamarine (n.) A transparent, pale green variety of beryl, used as a gem. See Beryl..
Ropeband :: Ropeband (n.) A small piece of spun yarn or marline, used to fasten the head of the sail to the spar..
Prettiness :: Prettiness (n.) The quality or state of being pretty; -- used sometimes in a disparaging sense.
Spar :: Spar (v. t.) A general term any round piece of timber used as a mast, yard, boom, or gaff..
Opacity :: Opacity (n.) The state of being opaque; the quality of a body which renders it impervious to the rays of light; want of transparency; opaqueness.
Sparkful :: Sparkful (a.) Lively; brisk; gay.
Spareness :: Spareness (n.) The quality or state of being lean or thin; leanness.
Fengite :: Fengite (n.) A kind of marble or alabaster, sometimes used for windows on account of its transparency..
Still :: Still (adv.) Not effervescing; not sparkling; as, still wines..
Diaphaneity :: Diaphaneity (n.) The quality of being diaphanous; transparency; pellucidness.
Orthoclastic :: Orthoclastic (a.) Breaking in directions at right angles to each other; -- said of the monoclinic feldspars.
Bubble :: Bubble (n.) A globule of air, or globular vacuum, in a transparent solid; as, bubbles in window glass, or in a lens..
Perforated :: Perforated (a.) Pierced with a hole or holes, or with pores; having transparent dots resembling holes..
Clemency :: Clemency (n.) Disposition to forgive and spare, as offenders; mildness of temper; gentleness; tenderness; mercy..
Spark :: Spark (v. i.) To play the spark, beau, or lover..
Tear :: Tear (n.) Something in the form of a transparent drop of fluid matter; also, a solid, transparent, tear-shaped drop, as of some balsams or resins..
Barely :: Barely (adv.) But just; without any excess; with nothing to spare ( of quantity, time, etc.); hence, scarcely; hardly; as, there was barely enough for all; he barely escaped..
Felspar :: Felspar (n.) Alt. of Felspat.
Matweed :: Matweed (n.) A name of several maritime grasses, as the sea sand-reed (Ammophila arundinacea) which is used in Holland to bind the sand of the seacoast dikes (see Beach grass, under Beach); also, the Lygeum Spartum, a Mediterranean grass of similar habit..
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