Definition of sore

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Sore (a.) In a sore manner; with pain; grievously.

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Lazarly :: Lazarly (a.) Full of sores; leprous.
Angina :: Angina (n.) Any inflammatory affection of the throat or faces, as the quinsy, malignant sore throat, croup, etc., especially such as tends to produce suffocation, choking, or shortness of breath..
Emollient :: Emollient (n.) An external something or soothing application to allay irritation, soreness, etc..
Cankered :: Cankered (a.) Affected mentally or morally as with canker; sore, envenomed; malignant; fretful; ill-natured..
Blear :: Blear (v. t.) To make somewhat sore or watery, as the eyes; to dim, or blur, as the sight. Figuratively: To obscure (mental or moral perception); to blind; to hoodwink..
Slough :: Slough (n.) The dead mass separating from a foul sore; the dead part which separates from the living tissue in mortification.
Masoretic :: Masoretic (a.) Alt. of Masoretica.
Sorel :: Sorel (n.) A yellowish or reddish brown color; sorrel.
Throatwort :: Throatwort (n.) A plant (Campanula Trachelium) formerly considered a remedy for sore throats because of its throat-shaped corolla.
Insessorial :: Insessorial (a.) Belonging or pertaining to the Insessores.
Sorel :: Sorel (n.) A young buck in the third year. See the Note under Buck.
Fossores :: Fossores (n. pl.) A group of hymenopterous insects including the sand wasps. They excavate cells in earth, where they deposit their eggs, with the bodies of other insects for the food of the young when hatched..
Warega Fly :: Warega fly () A Brazilian fly whose larvae live in the skin of man and animals, producing painful sores..
Massoret :: Massoret (n.) Same as Masorite.
Sorely :: Sorely (adv.) In a sore manner; grievously; painfully; as, to be sorely afflicted..
Shrew :: Shrew (a.) Any small insectivore of the genus Sorex and several allied genera of the family Sorecidae. In form and color they resemble mice, but they have a longer and more pointed nose. Some of them are the smallest of all mammals..
Sora :: Sora (n.) A North American rail (Porzana Carolina) common in the Eastern United States. Its back is golden brown, varied with black and white, the front of the head and throat black, the breast and sides of the head and neck slate-colored. Called also American rail, Carolina rail, Carolina crake, common rail, sora rail, soree, meadow chicken, and orto..
Sore :: Sore (n.) A young hawk or falcon in the first year.
Surbate :: Surbate (v. t.) To make sore or bruise, as the feet by travel..
Epulotic :: Epulotic (a.) Promoting the skinning over or healing of sores; as, an epulotic ointment..
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