Definition of sock

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Sock (n.) A plowshare.

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Shotten :: Shotten (n.) Shot out of its socket; dislocated, as a bone..
Bass :: Bass (n.) A hassock or thick mat.
Collet :: Collet (n.) A small metal ring; a small collar fastened on an arbor; as, the collet on the balance arbor of a watch; a small socket on a stem, for holding a drill..
Ichthyornis :: Ichthyornis (n.) An extinct genus of toothed birds found in the American Cretaceous formation. It is remarkable for having biconcave vertebrae, and sharp, conical teeth set in sockets. Its wings were well developed. It is the type of the order Odontotormae..
Bridgepot :: Bridgepot (n.) The adjustable socket, or step, of a millstone spindle..
Sphere :: Sphere (n.) An orbit, as of a star; a socket..
Tussuck :: Tussuck (n.) See Tussock.
Thecodontia :: Thecodontia (n. pl.) A group of fossil saurians having biconcave vertebrae and the teeth implanted in sockets.
Cassocked :: Cassocked (a.) Clothed with a cassock.
Ouch :: Ouch (n.) A socket or bezel holding a precious stone; hence, a jewel or ornament worn on the person..
Sockdolager :: Sockdolager (n.) That which finishes or ends a matter; a settler; a poser, as a heavy blow, a conclusive answer, and the like..
Alveoliform :: Alveoliform (a.) Having the form of alveoli, or little sockets, cells, or cavities..
Gipoun :: Gipoun (n.) A short cassock.
Enarthrosis :: Enarthrosis (n.) A ball and socket joint, or the kind of articulation represented by such a joint. See Articulation..
Tussock :: Tussock (n.) A caterpillar of any one of numerous species of bombycid moths. The body of these caterpillars is covered with hairs which form long tufts or brushes. Some species are very injurious to shade and fruit trees. Called also tussock caterpillar. See Orgyia.
Hassock :: Hassock (n.) A small stuffed cushion or footstool, for kneeling on in church, or for home use..
Bridgetree :: Bridgetree (n.) The beam which supports the spindle socket of the runner in a grinding mill.
Sockless :: Sockless (a.) Destitute of socks or shoes.
Firmer-chisel :: Firmer-chisel (n.) A chisel, thin in proportion to its width. It has a tang to enter the handle instead of a socket for receiving it..
Shoe :: Shoe (n.) An iron socket or plate to take the thrust of a strut or rafter.
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