Definition of slit

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Slit (n.) To cut lengthwise; to cut into long pieces or strips; as, to slit iron bars into nail rods; to slit leather into straps..

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Scizorhinal :: Scizorhinal (a.) Having the anterior nostrils prolonged backward in the form of a slit.
Earmark :: Earmark (n.) A mark on the ear of sheep, oxen, dogs, etc., as by cropping or slitting..
Slash :: Slash (v. t.) To cut by striking violently and at random; to cut in long slits.
Slit-shell :: Slit-shell (n.) Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas..
Slit :: Slit (imp. & p. p.) of Sli.
Earmark :: Earmark (v. t.) To mark, as sheep, by cropping or slitting the ear..
Kerf :: Kerf (n.) A notch, channel, or slit made in any material by cutting or sawing..
Chap :: Chap (v. t.) To cause to open in slits or chinks; to split; to cause the skin of to crack or become rough.
Slit :: Slit () 3d. pers. sing. pres. of Slide.
Circumferentor :: Circumferentor (n.) A surveying instrument, for taking horizontal angles and bearings; a surveyor's compass. It consists of a compass whose needle plays over a circle graduated to 360�, and of a horizontal brass bar at the ends of which are standards with narrow slits for sighting, supported on a tripod by a ball and socket joint..
Poncho :: Poncho (n.) A kind of cloak worn by the Spanish Americans, having the form of a blanket, with a slit in the middle for the head to pass through. A kind of poncho made of rubber or painted cloth is used by the mounted troops in the United States service..
Slitting :: Slitting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sli.
Ward :: Ward (n.) A notch or slit in a key corresponding to a ridge in the lock which it fits; a ward notch.
Chap :: Chap (v. i.) To crack or open in slits; as, the earth chaps; the hands chap..
Transliterate :: Transliterate (v. t.) To express or represent in the characters of another alphabet; as, to transliterate Sanskrit words by means of English letters..
Slitting :: Slitting () a. & n. from Slit.
Slash :: Slash (n.) A large slit in the material of any garment, made to show the lining through the openings..
Placket :: Placket (n.) The opening or slit left in a petticoat or skirt for convenience in putting it on; -- called also placket hole.
Slither :: Slither (v. i.) To slide; to glide.
Goggle :: Goggle (v. i.) Any screen or cover for the eyes, with or without a slit for seeing through..
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