Definition of slit

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Slit (imp. & p. p.) of Sli.

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Chap :: Chap (v. i.) To crack or open in slits; as, the earth chaps; the hands chap..
Earmark :: Earmark (n.) A mark on the ear of sheep, oxen, dogs, etc., as by cropping or slitting..
Slit :: Slit (n.) To cut; to sever; to divide.
Transliterate :: Transliterate (v. t.) To express or represent in the characters of another alphabet; as, to transliterate Sanskrit words by means of English letters..
Poncho :: Poncho (n.) A kind of cloak worn by the Spanish Americans, having the form of a blanket, with a slit in the middle for the head to pass through. A kind of poncho made of rubber or painted cloth is used by the mounted troops in the United States service..
Slit :: Slit (imp. & p. p.) of Sli.
Collimator :: Collimator (n.) A tube having a convex lens at one end and at the other a small opening or slit which is at the principal focus of the lens, used for producing a beam of parallel rays; also, a lens so used..
Transliteration :: Transliteration (n.) The act or product of transliterating, or of expressing words of a language by means of the characters of another alphabet..
Metagraphy :: Metagraphy (n.) The art or act of rendering the letters of the alphabet of one language into the possible equivalents of another; transliteration.
Slit :: Slit () 3d. pers. sing. pres. of Slide.
Photodrome :: Photodrome (n.) An apparatus consisting of a large wheel with spokes, which when turning very rapidly is illuminated by momentary flashes of light passing through slits in a rotating disk. By properly timing the succession of flashes the wheel is made to appear to be motionless, or to rotate more or less slowly in either direction..
Earmark :: Earmark (v. t.) To mark, as sheep, by cropping or slitting the ear..
Goggle :: Goggle (v. i.) Any screen or cover for the eyes, with or without a slit for seeing through..
Slit-shell :: Slit-shell (n.) Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas..
Diffraction :: Diffraction (n.) The deflection and decomposition of light in passing by the edges of opaque bodies or through narrow slits, causing the appearance of parallel bands or fringes of prismatic colors, as by the action of a grating of fine lines or bars..
Zoetrope :: Zoetrope (n.) An optical toy, in which figures made to revolve on the inside of a cylinder, and viewed through slits in its circumference, appear like a single figure passing through a series of natural motions as if animated or mechanically moved..
Slash :: Slash (n.) A large slit in the material of any garment, made to show the lining through the openings..
Schizonemertea :: Schizonemertea (n. pl.) A group of nemerteans comprising those having a deep slit along each side of the head. See Illust. in Appendix.
Slit :: Slit (n.) A long cut; a narrow opening; as, a slit in the ear..
Schindylesis :: Schindylesis (n.) A form of articulation in which one bone is received into a groove or slit in another.
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