Definition of slippery

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Slippery (a.) Having the quality opposite to adhesiveness; allowing or causing anything to slip or move smoothly, rapidly, and easily upon the surface; smooth; glib; as, oily substances render things slippery..

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Slape :: Slape (a.) Slippery; smooth; crafty; hypocritical.
Slipper :: Slipper (a.) Slippery.
Butter-fingered :: Butter-fingered (a.) Apt to let things fall, or to let them slip away; slippery; careless..
Slippery :: Slippery (a.) Not affording firm ground for confidence; as, a slippery promise..
Lubricate :: Lubricate (v. t.) To make smooth or slippery; as, mucilaginous and saponaceous remedies lubricate the parts to which they are applied..
Sliddery :: Sliddery (v. t.) Slippery.
Gilbbery :: Gilbbery (a.) Slippery; changeable.
Lubrical :: Lubrical (a.) Having a smooth surface; slippery.
Slippery :: Slippery (a.) Wanton; unchaste; loose in morals.
Glib :: Glib (superl.) Smooth; slippery; as, ice is glib..
Slipperiness :: Slipperiness (n.) The quality of being slippery.
Gliddery :: Gliddery (a.) Giving no sure footing; smooth; slippery.
Lubrication :: Lubrication (n.) The act of lubricating; the act of making slippery.
Butterfish :: Butterfish (n.) A name given to several different fishes, in allusion to their slippery coating of mucus, as the Stromateus triacanthus of the Atlantic coast, the Epinephelus punctatus of the southern coast, the rock eel, and the kelpfish of New Zealand..
Slabbery :: Slabbery (a.) Like, or covered with, slabber or slab; slippery; sloppy..
Tickle-footed :: Tickle-footed (a.) Uncertain; inconstant; slippery.
Slippery :: Slippery (a.) Having the quality opposite to adhesiveness; allowing or causing anything to slip or move smoothly, rapidly, and easily upon the surface; smooth; glib; as, oily substances render things slippery..
Slipperily :: Slipperily (adv.) In a slippery manner.
Elm :: Elm (n.) A tree of the genus Ulmus, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America. The English elm is Ulmus campestris; the common American or white elm is U. Americana; the slippery or red elm, U. fulva..
Slippery :: Slippery (a.) Uncertain in effect.
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