Definition of slim

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Slim (superl.) Of small diameter or thickness in proportion to the height or length; slender; as, a slim person; a slim tree..

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Slender :: Slender (superl.) Small or narrow in proportion to the length or the height; not thick; slim; as, a slender stem or stalk of a plant..
Muslim :: Muslim (n.) See Moslem.
Liman :: Liman (n.) The deposit of slime at the mouth of a river; slime.
Mucilaginous :: Mucilaginous (a.) Partaking of the nature of, or resembling, mucilage; moist, soft, and viscid; slimy; ropy; as, a mucilaginous liquid..
Muculent :: Muculent (a.) Slimy; moist, and moderately viscous..
Trunk :: Trunk (n.) A flume or sluice in which ores are separated from the slimes in which they are contained.
Sleetch :: Sleetch (n.) Mud or slime, such as that at the bottom of rivers..
Warp :: Warp (v. t.) To let the tide or other water in upon (lowlying land), for the purpose of fertilization, by a deposit of warp, or slimy substance..
Slimy :: Slimy (superl.) Of or pertaining to slime; resembling slime; of the nature of slime; viscous; glutinous; also, covered or daubed with slime; yielding, or abounding in, slime..
Slab :: Slab (n.) That which is slimy or viscous; moist earth; mud; also, a puddle..
Ooze :: Ooze (n.) Soft mud or slime; earth so wet as to flow gently, or easily yield to pressure..
Slimness :: Slimness (n.) The quality or state of being slim.
Slimed :: Slimed (imp. & p. p.) of Slim.
Daub :: Daub (v. t.) To smear with soft, adhesive matter, as pitch, slime, mud, etc.; to plaster; to bedaub; to besmear..
Aard-vark :: Aard-vark (n.) An edentate mammal, of the genus Orycteropus, somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of Southern Africa. It burrows in the ground, and feeds entirely on ants, which it catches with its long, slimy tongue..
Mucousness :: Mucousness (n.) The quality or state of being mucous; sliminess.
Hag :: Hag (n.) An eel-like marine marsipobranch (Myxine glutinosa), allied to the lamprey. It has a suctorial mouth, with labial appendages, and a single pair of gill openings. It is the type of the order Hyperotpeta. Called also hagfish, borer, slime eel, sucker, and sleepmarken..
Sliming :: Sliming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Slim.
Jaguarondi :: "Jaguarondi (n.) A South American wild cat (Felis jaguarondi), having a long, slim body and very short legs. Its color is grayish brown, varied with a blackish hue. It is arboreal in its habits and feeds mostly on birds..
Boottopping :: Boottopping (n.) The act or process of daubing a vessel's bottom near the surface of the water with a mixture of tallow, sulphur, and resin, as a temporary protection against worms, after the slime, shells, etc., have been scraped off..
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