Definition of skull

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Skull (n.) A covering for the head; a skullcap.

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Hyomandibular :: Hyomandibular (a.) Pertaining both to the hyoidean arch and the mandible or lower jaw; as, the hyomandibular bone or cartilage, a segment of the hyoid arch which connects the lower jaw with the skull in fishes..
Loggerhead :: Loggerhead (n.) A blockhead; a dunce; a numskull.
Bulla :: Bulla (n.) The ovoid prominence below the opening of the ear in the skulls of many animals; as, the tympanic or auditory bulla..
Epipterygoid :: Epipterygoid (n.) An epipterygoid bone or cartilage; the columella in the skulls of many lizards.
Death's-head :: Death's-head (n.) A naked human skull as the emblem of death; the head of the conventional personification of death.
Acrocephalic :: Acrocephalic (a.) Characterized by a high skull.
Gross-headed :: Gross-headed (a.) Thick-skulled; stupid.
Basion :: Basion (n.) The middle of the anterior margin of the great foramen of the skull.
Chondro- :: Chondro- () A combining form meaning a grain, granular, granular cartilage, cartilaginous; as, the chondrocranium, the cartilaginous skull of the lower vertebrates and of embryos..
Atlas :: Atlas (n.) The first vertebra of the neck, articulating immediately with the skull, thus sustaining the globe of the head, whence the name..
Craniognomy :: Craniognomy (n.) The science of the form and characteristics of the skull.
Maxillo-palatine :: Maxillo-palatine (a.) Pertaining to the maxillary and palatine regions of the skull; as, the maxillo-palatine process of the maxilla. Also used as n..
Epipteric :: Epipteric (a.) Pertaining to a small Wormian bone sometimes present in the human skull between the parietal and the great wing of the sphenoid.
Maxilloturbinal :: Maxilloturbinal (a.) Pertaining to the maxillary and turbinal regions of the skull.
Transpalatine :: Transpalatine (a.) Situated beyond or outside the palatine bone; -- said of a bone in the skull of some reptiles.
Dolt :: Dolt (n.) A heavy, stupid fellow; a blockhead; a numskull; an ignoramus; a dunce; a dullard..
Tentorium :: Tentorium (n.) A fold of the dura mater which separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum and often incloses a process or plate of the skull called the bony tentorium.
Inion :: Inion (n.) The external occipital protuberance of the skull.
Craniometer :: Craniometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the size of skulls.
Otocrane :: Otocrane (n.) The cavity in the skull in which the parts of the internal ear are lodged.
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