Definition of situated

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Situated (a.) Having a site, situation, or location; being in a relative position; permanently fixed; placed; located; as, a town situated, or situate, on a hill or on the seashore..

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Omostegite :: Omostegite (n.) The part of the carapace of a crustacean situated behind the cervical groove.
Breast :: Breast (n.) Either one of the protuberant glands, situated on the front of the chest or thorax in the female of man and of some other mammalia, in which milk is secreted for the nourishment of the young; a mamma; a teat..
Gastric :: Gastric (a.) Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the gastric artery..
Sited :: Sited (a.) Having a site; situated.
Trias :: Trias (n.) The formation situated between the Permian and Lias, and so named by the Germans, because consisting of three series of strata, which are called in German the Bunter sandstein, Muschelkalk, and Keuper..
Subterranity :: Subterraneous (a.) Being or lying under the surface of the earth; situated within the earth, or under ground; as, subterranean springs; a subterraneous passage..
Intertropical :: Intertropical (a.) Situated between or within the tropics.
Spatangoidea :: Spatangoidea (n. pl.) An order of irregular sea urchins, usually having a more or less heart-shaped shell with four or five petal-like ambulacra above. The mouth is edentulous and situated anteriorly, on the under side..
Supravision :: Supravaginal (a.) Situated above or outside a sheath or vaginal membrane.
Opisthobranchiata :: Opisthobranchiata (n. pl.) A division of gastropod Mollusca, in which the breathing organs are usually situated behind the heart. It includes the tectibranchs and nudibranchs..
Interosseous :: Interosseous (a.) Situated between bones; as, an interosseous ligament..
Prorhinal :: Prorhinal (a.) Situated in front of the nasal chambers.
Supercelestial :: Supercelestial (a.) Situated above the firmament, or great vault of heaven..
Maxilliped :: Maxilliped (n.) One of the mouth appendages of Crustacea, situated next behind the maxillae. Crabs have three pairs, but many of the lower Crustacea have but one pair of them. Called also jawfoot, and foot jaw..
Intramolecular :: Intramolecular (a.) Between molecules; situated, or acting, between the molecules of bodies..
Subpoena :: Subpodophyllous (a.) Situated under the podophyllous tissue of the horse's foot.
Thorax :: Thorax (n.) The part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen, containing that part of the body cavity the walls of which are supported by the dorsal vertebrae, the ribs, and the sternum, and which the heart and lungs are situated; the chest..
Spica :: Spica (n.) A star of the first magnitude situated in the constellation Virgo.
South :: South (a.) Lying toward the south; situated at the south, or in a southern direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the south, or coming from the south; blowing from the south; southern; as, the south pole..
Triangle :: Triangle (n.) A small constellation situated between Aries and Andromeda.
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