Definition of sign

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Sign (n.) Hence, one of the gestures of pantomime, or of a language of a signs such as those used by the North American Indians, or those used by the deaf and dumb..

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Spook :: Spontoon (n.) A kind of half-pike, or halberd, formerly borne by inferior officers of the British infantry, and used in giving signals to the soldiers..
Help :: Help (v. t.) To furnish with relief, as in pain or disease; to be of avail against; -- sometimes with of before a word designating the pain or disease, and sometimes having such a word for the direct object..
Selenic :: Selenic (a.) Of or pertaining to selenium; derived from, or containing, selenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence as contrasted with selenious compounds..
Hypo- :: Hypo- () A prefix signifying a less quantity, or a low state or degree, of that denoted by the word with which it is joined, or position under or beneath..
Grapnel :: Grapnel (n.) A small anchor, with four or five flukes or claws, used to hold boats or small vessels; hence, any instrument designed to grapple or hold; a grappling iron; a grab; -- written also grapline, and crapnel..
Portfolio :: Portfolio (n.) Hence: The office and functions of a minister of state or member of the cabinet; as, to receive the portfolio of war; to resign the portfolio..
Fractional :: Fractional (a.) Relatively small; inconsiderable; insignificant; as, a fractional part of the population..
Turanian :: Turanian (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, an extensive family of languages of simple structure and low grade (called also Altaic, Ural-Altaic, and Scythian), spoken in the northern parts of Europe and Asia and Central Asia; of pertaining to, or designating, the people who speak these languages..
Intended :: Intended (n.) One with whom marriage is designed; one who is betrothed; an affianced lover.
Idea :: Idea (n.) A plan or purpose of action; intention; design.
Plat :: Plat (n.) A small piece or plot of ground laid out with some design, or for a special use; usually, a portion of flat, even ground..
Esoteric :: Esoteric (a.) Designed for, and understood by, the specially initiated alone; not communicated, or not intelligible, to the general body of followers; private; interior; acroamatic; -- said of the private and more recondite instructions and doctrines of philosophers. Opposed to exoteric..
Assigning :: Assigning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Assig.
Gravity :: Gravity (a.) Importance, significance, dignity, etc; hence, seriousness; enormity; as, the gravity of an offense..
Voice :: Voice (n.) Language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion.
Re- :: Re- () A prefix signifying back, against, again, anew; as, recline, to lean back; recall, to call back; recede; remove; reclaim, to call out against; repugn, to fight against; recognition, a knowing again; rejoin, to join again; reiterate; reassure. Combinations containing the prefix re- are readily formed, and are for the most part of obvious signification..
Importance :: Importance (n.) Import; meaning; significance.
Sign :: Sign (n.) That by which anything is made known or represented; that which furnishes evidence; a mark; a token; an indication; a proof.
Assembly :: Assembly (n.) A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble.
Significatory :: Significatory (a.) Significant.
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