Definition of sig

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Sig (v. t.) Urine.

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Call :: Call (n.) The act of calling; -- usually with the voice, but often otherwise, as by signs, the sound of some instrument, or by writing; a summons; an entreaty; an invitation; as, a call for help; the bugle's call..
Unpossess :: Unpossess (v. t.) To be without, or to resign, possession of..
Alleluiah :: Alleluiah (n.) An exclamation signifying Praise ye Jehovah. Hence: A song of praise to God. See Hallelujah, the commoner form..
Rheic :: Rheic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (commonly called chrysophanic acid) found in rhubarb (Rheum)..
Subscribe :: Subscribe (v. t.) To write underneath, as one's name; to sign (one's name) to a document..
Farsighted :: Farsighted (a.) Hypermetropic.
Wrong :: Wrong (a.) Designed to be worn or placed inward; as, the wrong side of a garment or of a piece of cloth..
Propose :: Propose (v. i.) To form or declare a purpose or intention; to lay a scheme; to design; as, man proposes, but God disposes..
Aleutic :: Aleutic (a.) Of or pertaining to a chain of islands between Alaska and Kamtchatka; also, designating these islands..
Foresignify :: Foresignify (v. t.) To signify beforehand; to foreshow; to typify.
Purposive :: Purposive (a.) Having or indicating purpose or design.
Imitative :: Imitative (a.) Designed to imitate another species of animal, or a plant, or inanimate object, for some useful purpose, such as protection from enemies; having resamblance to something else; as, imitative colors; imitative habits; dendritic and mammillary forms of minerals are imitative..
Direction :: Direction (n.) The pointing of a piece with reference to an imaginary vertical axis; -- distinguished from elevation. The direction is given when the plane of sight passes through the object.
Farseeing :: Farseeing (a.) Able to see to a great distance; farsighted.
Ingenious :: Ingenious (a.) Proseeding from, pertaining to, or characterized by, genius or ingenuity; of curious design, structure, or mechanism; as, an ingenious model, or machine; an ingenious scheme, contrivance, etc..
Sidereal :: Sidereal (a.) Measuring by the apparent motion of the stars; designated, marked out, or accompanied, by a return to the same position in respect to the stars; as, the sidereal revolution of a planet; a sidereal day..
Filiation :: Filiation (n.) The assignment of a bastard child to some one as its father; affiliation.
Compose :: Compose (v. t.) To construct by mental labor; to design and execute, or put together, in a manner involving the adaptation of forms of expression to ideas, or to the laws of harmony or proportion; as, to compose a sentence, a sermon, a symphony, or a picture..
Sense :: Sense (v. t.) Meaning; import; signification; as, the true sense of words or phrases; the sense of a remark..
Pipe :: Pipe (v. i.) To call, convey orders, etc., by means of signals on a pipe or whistle carried by a boatswain..
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