Definition of shrink

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Shrink (n.) The act shrinking; shrinkage; contraction; also, recoil; withdrawal..

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Collapse :: Collapse (v. i.) To fall together suddenly, as the sides of a hollow vessel; to close by falling or shrinking together; to have the sides or parts of (a thing) fall in together, or be crushed in together; as, a flue in the boiler of a steam engine sometimes collapses..
Shrink :: Shrink (v. t.) To draw back; to withdraw.
Bold :: Bold (n.) Forward to meet danger; venturesome; daring; not timorous or shrinking from risk; brave; courageous.
Shrink :: Shrink (v. i.) To express fear, horror, or pain by contracting the body, or part of it; to shudder; to quake..
Appall :: Appall (a.) To depress or discourage with fear; to impress with fear in such a manner that the mind shrinks, or loses its firmness; to overcome with sudden terror or horror; to dismay; as, the sight appalled the stoutest heart..
Funking :: Funking (n.) A shrinking back through fear.
Shrimp :: Shrimp (v. t.) To contract; to shrink.
Shrinking :: Shrinking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Shrin.
Funk :: Funk (v. i.) To be frightened, and shrink back; to flinch; as, to funk at the edge of a precipice..
Bashful :: Bashful (a.) Very modest, or modest excess; constitutionally disposed to shrink from public notice; indicating extreme or excessive modesty; shy; as, a bashful person, action, expression..
Shrinkage :: Shrinkage (n.) The amount of such contraction; the bulk or dimension lost by shrinking, as of grain, castings, etc..
Wither :: Wither (v. t.) To cause to shrink, wrinkle, or decay, for want of animal moisture..
Shrunken :: Shrunken () p. p. & a. from Shrink.
Wincer :: Wincer (n.) One who, or that which, winces, shrinks, or kicks..
Coy :: Coy (a.) Shrinking from approach or familiarity; reserved; bashful; shy; modest; -- usually applied to women, sometimes with an implication of coquetry..
Contraction :: Contraction (n.) The act or process of contracting, shortening, or shrinking; the state of being contracted; as, contraction of the heart, of the pupil of the eye, or of a tendion; the contraction produced by cold..
Shram :: Shram (v. t.) To cause to shrink or shrivel with cold; to benumb.
Flinch :: Flinch (v. i.) To withdraw from any suffering or undertaking, from pain or danger; to fail in doing or perserving; to show signs of yielding or of suffering; to shrink; to wince; as, one of the parties flinched from the combat..
Dwindle :: Dwindle (v. i.) To diminish; to become less; to shrink; to waste or consume away; to become degenerate; to fall away.
Constringe :: Constringe (v. t.) To dawn together; to contract; to force to contract itself; to constrict; to cause to shrink.
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