Definition of shrill

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Shrill (v. i.) Acute; sharp; piercing; having or emitting a sharp, piercing tone or sound; -- said of a sound, or of that which produces a sound..

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Whistle :: Whistle (v. i.) To make a shrill sound with a wind or steam instrument, somewhat like that made with the lips; to blow a sharp, shrill tone..
Whistle :: Whistle (v. i.) To sound shrill, or like a pipe; to make a sharp, shrill sound; as, a bullet whistles through the air..
Skirl :: Skirl (v. t.& i.) To utter in a shrill tone; to scream.
Stridulation :: Stridulation (n.) The act of making shrill sounds or musical notes by rubbing together certain hard parts, as is done by the males of many insects, especially by Orthoptera, such as crickets, grasshoppers, and locusts..
Shrill-tongued :: Shrill-tongued (a.) Having a shrill voice.
Stridulation :: Stridulate (v. t.) to make a shrill or musical sound, such as is made by the males of many insects..
Tink :: Tink (v. i.) To make a sharp, shrill noise; to tinkle..
Strife :: Stridulous (a.) Making a shrill, creaking sound..
Pipe :: Pipe (v. i.) To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle.
Shrill-gorged :: Shrill-gorged (a.) Having a throat which produces a shrill note.
Screech :: Screech (n.) A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a shriek; a scream..
Whistlingly :: Whistlingly (adv.) In a whistling manner; shrilly.
Shrilled :: Shrilled (imp. & p. p.) of Shril.
Crow :: Crow (v. i.) To make the shrill sound characteristic of a cock, either in joy, gayety, or defiance..
Catcall :: Catcall (n.) A sound like the cry of a cat, such as is made in playhouses to express dissatisfaction with a play; also, a small shrill instrument for making such a noise..
Shriek :: Shriek (n.) A sharp, shrill outcry or scream; a shrill wild cry such as is caused by sudden or extreme terror, pain, or the like..
Whistle :: Whistle (v. i.) A sharp, shrill, more or less musical sound, made by forcing the breath through a small orifice of the lips, or through or instrument which gives a similar sound; the sound used by a sportsman in calling his dogs; the shrill note of a bird; as, the sharp whistle of a boy, or of a boatswain's pipe; the blackbird's mellow whistle..
Yelp :: Yelp (v. i.) To utter a sharp, quick cry, as a hound; to bark shrilly with eagerness, pain, or fear; to yaup..
Scream :: Scream (n.) A sharp, shrill cry, uttered suddenly, as in terror or in pain; a shriek; a screech..
Pipe :: Pipe (v. t.) To perform, as a tune, by playing on a pipe, flute, fife, etc.; to utter in the shrill tone of a pipe..
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