Definition of short

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Short (superl.) Limited in intellectual power or grasp; not comprehensive; narrow; not tenacious, as memory..

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Shortcoming :: Shortcoming (n.) The act of falling, or coming short.
Hack :: Hack (v. i.) To cough faintly and frequently, or in a short, broken manner; as, a hacking cough..
Redsear :: Redsear (v. i.) To be brittle when red-hot; to be red-short.
Short-dated :: Short-dated (a.) Having little time to run from the date.
Foreshorten :: Foreshorten (v. t.) To represent on a plane surface, as if extended in a direction toward the spectator or nearly so; to shorten by drawing in perspective..
Dyspnoic :: Dyspnoic (a.) Affected with shortness of breath; relating to dyspnoea.
Bludgeon :: Bludgeon (n.) A short stick, with one end loaded, or thicker and heavier that the other, used as an offensive weapon..
Curricle :: Curricle (n.) A small or short course.
Welk :: Welk (v. t.) To contract; to shorten.
Esthesiometer :: Esthesiometer (n.) An instrument to measure the degree of sensation, by determining at how short a distance two impressions upon the skin can be distinguished, and thus to determine whether the condition of tactile sensibility is normal or altered..
Shotgun :: Shotgun (n.) A light, smooth-bored gun, often double-barreled, especially designed for firing small shot at short range, and killing small game..
Della Crusca :: Della Crusca () A shortened form of Accademia della Crusca, an academy in Florence, Italy, founded in the 16th century, especially for conserving the purity of the Italian language..
Curtail :: Curtail (v. t.) To cut off the end or tail, or any part, of; to shorten; to abridge; to diminish; to reduce..
Gangion :: Gangion (n.) A short line attached to a trawl. See Trawl, n..
Aphetic :: Aphetic (a.) Shortened by dropping a letter or a syllable from the beginning of a word; as, an aphetic word or form..
Aphetize :: Aphetize (v. t.) To shorten by aphesis.
Courtepy :: Courtepy (n.) A short coat of coarse cloth.
Dumpy :: Dumpy (superl.) Short and thick; of low stature and disproportionately stout.
Tenderloin :: Tenderloin (n.) A strip of tender flesh on either side of the vertebral column under the short ribs, in the hind quarter of beef and pork. It consists of the psoas muscles..
Figure :: Figure (n.) Any short succession of notes, either as melody or as a group of chords, which produce a single complete and distinct impression..
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