Definition of shed

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Shed (v. t.) To sprinkle; to intersperse; to cover.

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Hamulate :: Hamulate (a.) Furnished with a small hook; hook-shaped.
Derogate :: Derogate (n.) Diminished in value; dishonored; degraded.
Practicable :: Practicable (a.) That may be practiced or performed; capable of being done or accomplished with available means or resources; feasible; as, a practicable method; a practicable aim; a practicable good..
Nature :: Nature (n.) Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artifical, or forced, or remote from actual experience..
Incognizable :: Incognizable (a.) Not cognizable; incapable of being recognized, known, or distinguished..
Ordinance :: Ordinance (n.) An established rite or ceremony.
Trematodea :: Trematodea (n. pl.) An extensive order of parasitic worms. They are found in the internal cavities of animals belonging to all classes. Many species are found, also, on the gills and skin of fishes. A few species are parasitic on man, and some, of which the fluke is the most important, are injurious parasites of domestic animals. The trematodes usually have a flattened body covered with a chitinous skin, and are furnished with two or more suckers for adhesion. Most of the species are hermaphrodi
Astound :: Astound (a.) Stunned; astounded; astonished.
Waste :: Waste (v. i.) To be diminished; to lose bulk, substance, strength, value, or the like, gradually; to be consumed; to dwindle; to grow less..
Serial :: Serial (n.) A publication appearing in a series or succession of part; a tale, or other writing, published in successive numbers of a periodical..
Mechanical :: Mechanical (a.) Pertaining to, governed by, or in accordance with, mechanics, or the laws of motion; pertaining to the quantitative relations of force and matter, as distinguished from mental, vital, chemical, etc.; as, mechanical principles; a mechanical theory; mechanical deposits..
Acetabulifera :: Acetabulifera (n. pl.) The division of Cephalopoda in which the arms are furnished with cup-shaped suckers, as the cuttlefishes, squids, and octopus; the Dibranchiata. See Cephalopoda..
Muscular :: Muscular (a.) Well furnished with muscles; having well-developed muscles; brawny; hence, strong; powerful; vigorous; as, a muscular body or arm..
Unrevenued :: Unrevenued (a.) Not furnished with a revenue.
Flashed :: Flashed (imp. & p. p.) of Flas.
Irregular :: Irregular (a.) Not regular; not conforming to a law, method, or usage recognized as the general rule; not according to common form; not conformable to nature, to the rules of moral rectitude, or to established principles; not normal; unnatural; immethodical; unsymmetrical; erratic; no straight; not uniform; as, an irregular line; an irregular figure; an irregular verse; an irregular physician; an irregular proceeding; irregular motion; irregular conduct, etc. Cf. Regular..
Deep :: Deep (superl.) Extending far below the surface; of great perpendicular dimension (measured from the surface downward, and distinguished from high, which is measured upward); far to the bottom; having a certain depth; as, a deep sea..
Inhabitant :: Inhabitant (n.) One who dwells or resides permanently in a place, as distinguished from a transient lodger or visitor; as, an inhabitant of a house, a town, a city, county, or state..
Ceremonial :: Ceremonial (n.) A system of rules and ceremonies, enjoined by law, or established by custom, in religious worship, social intercourse, or the courts of princes; outward form..
Roorbach :: Roorbach (n.) A defamatory forgery or falsehood published for purposes of political intrigue.
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