Definition of seven

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Seven (n.) A symbol representing seven units, as 7, or vii..

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Septempartite :: Septempartite (a.) Divided nearly to the base into seven parts; as, a septempartite leaf..
Rondel :: Rondel (n.) Specifically, a particular form of rondeau containing fourteen lines in two rhymes, the refrain being a repetition of the first and second lines as the seventh and eighth, and again as the thirteenth and fourteenth..
Septette :: Septette (n.) A set of seven persons or objects; as, a septet of singers..
Septifolious :: Septifolious (a.) Having seven leaves.
Nones :: Nones (n. pl.) The fifth day of the months January, February, April, June, August, September, November, and December, and the seventh day of March, May, July, and October. The nones were nine days before the ides, reckoning inclusively, according to the Roman method..
Eight :: Eight (n.) The number greater by a unit than seven; eight units or objects.
Upher :: Upher (n.) A fir pole of from four to seven inches diameter, and twenty to forty feet long, sometimes roughly hewn, used for scaffoldings, and sometimes for slight and common roofs, for which use it is split..
Sevenfold :: Sevenfold (a.) Repeated seven times; having seven thicknesses; increased to seven times the size or amount.
Septfoil :: Septfoil (n.) An ornamental foliation having seven lobes. Cf. Cinquefoil, Quarterfoil, and Trefoil..
Charge :: Charge (n.) Thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds; -- called also charre..
Metanauplius :: Metanauplius (n.) A larval crustacean in a stage following the nauplius, and having about seven pairs of appendages..
Triolet :: Triolet (n.) A short poem or stanza of eight lines, in which the first line is repeated as the fourth and again as the seventh line, the second being, repeated as the eighth..
Seven-shooter :: Seven-shooter (n.) A firearm, esp. a pistol, with seven barrels or chambers for cartridges, or one capable of firing seven shots without reloading..
Septuagenarian :: Septuagenarian (n.) A person who is seventy years of age; a septuagenary.
Breadfruit :: Breadfruit (n.) The fruit of a tree (Artocarpus incisa) found in the islands of the Pacific, esp. the South Sea islands. It is of a roundish form, from four to six or seven inches in diameter, and, when baked, somewhat resembles bread, and is eaten as food, whence the name..
Whitsunday :: Whitsunday (n.) The seventh Sunday, and the fiftieth day, after Easter; a festival of the church in commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost; Pentecost; -- so called, it is said, because, in the primitive church, those who had been newly baptized appeared at church between Easter and Pentecost in white garments..
Heptagynia :: Heptagynia (n. pl.) A Linnaean order of plants having seven pistils.
Lamprey :: Lamprey (n.) An eel-like marsipobranch of the genus Petromyzon, and allied genera. The lampreys have a round, sucking mouth, without jaws, but set with numerous minute teeth, and one to three larger teeth on the palate (see Illust. of Cyclostomi). There are seven small branchial openings on each side..
Indigo :: Indigo (n.) A kind of deep blue, one of the seven prismatic colors..
Eighth :: Eighth (a.) Next in order after the seventh.
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