Definition of set

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Set (v. t.) To point out the seat or position of, as birds, or other game; -- said of hunting dogs..

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Basseting :: Basseting (n.) The upward direction of a vein in a mine; the emergence of a stratum at the surface.
Basset :: Basset (n.) A game at cards, resembling the modern faro, said to have been invented at Venice..
Pot :: Pot (v. t.) To set out or cover in pots; as, potted plants or bulbs..
Rank :: Rank (v. i.) To be ranged; to be set or disposed, as in a particular degree, class, order, or division..
Barbate :: Barbate (a.) Bearded; beset with long and weak hairs.
Crossette :: Crossette (n.) A return in one of the corners of the architrave of a door or window; -- called also ancon, ear, elbow..
Buffet :: Buffet (n.) A cupboard or set of shelves, either movable or fixed at one side of a room, for the display of plate, china, etc., a sideboard..
Masseterine :: Masseterine (a.) Masseteric.
Cycle :: Cycle (n.) One entire round in a circle or a spire; as, a cycle or set of leaves..
Dissettle :: Dissettle (v. t.) To unsettle.
Besetting :: Besetting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bese.
Trap :: Trap (v. i.) To set traps for game; to make a business of trapping game; as, to trap for beaver..
Faldage :: Faldage (n.) A privilege of setting up, and moving about, folds for sheep, in any fields within manors, in order to manure them; -- often reserved to himself by the lord of the manor..
Intersperse :: Intersperse (v. t.) To diversify or adorn with things set or scattered at intervals; to place something at intervals in or among; as, to intersperse a book with pictures..
Were :: Were (n.) A fine for slaying a man; the money value set upon a man's life; weregild.
Initiate :: Initiate (v. t.) To introduce by a first act; to make a beginning with; to set afoot; to originate; to commence; to begin or enter upon.
Equisetiform :: Equisetiform (a.) Having the form of the equisetum.
Misplace :: Misplace (v. t.) To put in a wrong place; to set or place on an improper or unworthy object; as, he misplaced his confidence..
Claribella :: Claribella (n.) A soft, sweet stop, or set of open wood pipes in an organ..
Estreat :: Estreat (n.) A true copy, duplicate, or extract of an original writing or record, esp. of amercements or penalties set down in the rolls of court to be levied by the bailiff, or other officer..
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