Definition of sensual

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Sensual (a.) Devoted to the pleasures of sense and appetite; luxurious; voluptuous; lewd; libidinous.

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Voluptuous :: Voluptuous (a.) Full of delight or pleasure, especially that of the senses; ministering to sensuous or sensual gratification; exciting sensual desires; luxurious; sensual..
Lustful :: Lustful (a.) Exciting lust; characterized by lust or sensuality.
Carnalism :: Carnalism (n.) The state of being carnal; carnality; sensualism.
Unsensualize :: Unsensualize (v. t.) To elevate from the domain of the senses; to purify.
Consensual :: Consensual (v. i.) Excited or caused by sensation, sympathy, or reflex action, and not by conscious volition; as, consensual motions..
Libidinous :: Libidinous (a.) Having lustful desires; characterized by lewdness; sensual; lascivious.
Bestial :: Bestial (a.) Having the qualities of a beast; brutal; below the dignity of reason or humanity; irrational; carnal; beastly; sensual.
Sensualistic :: Sensualistic (a.) Sensual.
Epicure :: Epicure (n.) One devoted to dainty or luxurious sensual enjoyments, esp. to the luxuries of the table..
Roue :: Roue (n.) One devoted to a life of sensual pleasure; a debauchee; a rake.
Dissolute :: Dissolute (a.) Loosed from restraint; esp., loose in morals and conduct; recklessly abandoned to sensual pleasures; profligate; wanton; lewd; debauched..
Weasy :: Weasy (a.) Given to sensual indulgence; gluttonous.
Gross :: Gross (superl.) Expressing, Or originating in, animal or sensual appetites; hence, coarse, vulgar, low, obscene, or impure..
Satiety :: Satiety (n.) The state of being satiated or glutted; fullness of gratification, either of the appetite or of any sensual desire; fullness beyond desire; an excess of gratification which excites wearisomeness or loathing; repletion; satiation..
Supersensuous :: Supersensual (a.) Supersensible.
Sensualness :: Sensualness (n.) Sensuality; fleshliness.
Sensualist :: Sensualist (n.) One who is sensual; one given to the indulgence of the appetites or senses as the means of happiness.
Sensually :: Sensually (adv.) In a sensual manner.
Sensual :: Sensual (a.) Devoted to the pleasures of sense and appetite; luxurious; voluptuous; lewd; libidinous.
Sensualistic :: Sensualistic (a.) Adopting or teaching the doctrines of sensualism.
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