Definition of self

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Self (a.) Same; particular; very; identical.

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Have :: Have (v. t.) To take or hold (one's self); to proceed promptly; -- used reflexively, often with ellipsis of the pronoun; as, to have after one; to have at one or at a thing, i. e., to aim at one or at a thing; to attack; to have with a companion..
Papaw :: Papaw (n.) A tree of the genus Asimina (A. triloba), growing in the western and southern parts of the United States, and producing a sweet edible fruit; also, the fruit itself..
Seat :: Seat (v. t.) To place on a seat; to cause to sit down; as, to seat one's self..
Barometrograph :: Barometrograph (n.) A form of barometer so constructed as to inscribe of itself upon paper a record of the variations of atmospheric pressure.
Empty :: Empty (v. i.) To discharge itself; as, a river empties into the ocean..
Self-aggrandizement :: Self-aggrandizement (n.) The aggrandizement of one's self.
Sit :: Sit (v. t.) To take a position for the purpose of having some artistic representation of one's self made, as a picture or a bust; as, to sit to a painter..
Bluff :: Bluff (n.) An act of bluffing; an expression of self-confidence for the purpose of intimidation; braggadocio; as, that is only bluff, or a bluff..
Quitclaim :: Quitclaim (n.) A release or relinquishment of a claim; a deed of release; an instrument by which some right, title, interest, or claim, which one person has, or is supposed to have, in or to an estate held by himself or another, is released or relinquished, the grantor generally covenanting only against persons who claim under himself..
Internal :: Internal (a.) Derived from, or dependent on, the thing itself; inherent; as, the internal evidence of the divine origin of the Scriptures..
Offer :: Offer (v. i.) To present itself; to be at hand.
Pull :: Pull (v. i.) To exert one's self in an act or motion of drawing or hauling; to tug; as, to pull at a rope..
Garter :: Garter (n.) The distinguishing badge of the highest order of knighthood in Great Britain, called the Order of the Garter, instituted by Edward III.; also, the Order itself..
Self-reverence :: Self-reverence (n.) A reverent respect for one's self.
Autotheism :: Autotheism (n.) Deification of one's self; self-worship.
Manner :: Manner (n.) Characteristic mode of acting, conducting, carrying one's self, or the like; bearing; habitual style..
Self-delusion :: Self-delusion (n.) The act of deluding one's self, or the state of being thus deluded..
Shovelboard :: Shovelboard (n.) A board on which a game is played, by pushing or driving pieces of metal or money to reach certain marks; also, the game itself. Called also shuffleboard, shoveboard, shovegroat, shovelpenny..
Address :: Address (v.) Reflexively: To prepare one's self; to apply one's skill or energies (to some object); to betake.
Singular :: Singular (a.) Standing by itself; out of the ordinary course; unusual; uncommon; strange; as, a singular phenomenon..
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