Definition of seize

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Seize (v. t.) To fasten; to fix.

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Attach :: Attach (v. t.) To take by legal authority: (a) To arrest by writ, and bring before a court, as to answer for a debt, or a contempt; -- applied to a taking of the person by a civil process; being now rarely used for the arrest of a criminal. (b) To seize or take (goods or real estate) by virtue of a writ or precept to hold the same to satisfy a judgment which may be rendered in the suit. See Attachment, 4..
Seize :: Seize (v. t.) To grap with the mind; to comprehend fully and distinctly; as, to seize an idea..
Spoil :: Spoil (v. t.) To seize by violence;; to take by force; to plunder.
Lock :: Lock (v. t.) To seize, as the sword arm of an antagonist, by turning the left arm around it, to disarm him..
Rapacious :: Rapacious (a.) Accustomed to seize food; subsisting on prey, or animals seized by violence; as, a tiger is a rapacious animal; a rapacious bird..
Hent :: Hent (v. t.) To seize; to lay hold on; to catch; to get.
Arraught :: Arraught () Obtained; seized.
Muss :: Muss (n.) A scramble, as when small objects are thrown down, to be taken by those who can seize them; a confused struggle..
Truss :: Truss (n.) To take fast hold of; to seize and hold firmly; to pounce upon.
Snap :: Snap (n.) To bite or seize suddenly, especially with the teeth..
Prehend :: Prehend (v. t.) To lay hold of; to seize.
Rap :: Rap (v.) To seize and bear away, as the mind or thoughts; to transport out of one's self; to affect with ecstasy or rapture; as, rapt into admiration..
Apprehend :: Apprehend (v. t.) To take or seize; to take hold of.
Swoop :: Swoop (n.) To fall on at once and seize; to catch while on the wing; as, a hawk swoops a chicken..
Beard :: Beard (v. t.) To take by the beard; to seize, pluck, or pull the beard of (a man), in anger or contempt..
Hand :: Hand (v. t.) To seize; to lay hands on.
Distress :: Distress (n.) To seize for debt; to distrain.
Snap :: Snap (v. t.) A sudden, eager bite; a sudden seizing, or effort to seize, as with the teeth..
Seize :: Seize (v. t.) To take possession of by force.
Corsair :: Corsair (n.) A pirate; one who cruises about without authorization from any government, to seize booty on sea or land..
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