Definition of secretion

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Secretion (n.) The act of secreting; the process by which material is separated from the blood through the agency of the cells of the various glands and elaborated by the cells into new substances so as to form the various secretions, as the saliva, bile, and other digestive fluids. The process varies in the different glands, and hence are formed the various secretions..

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Gall :: Gall (n.) The bitter, alkaline, viscid fluid found in the gall bladder, beneath the liver. It consists of the secretion of the liver, or bile, mixed with that of the mucous membrane of the gall bladder..
Milk Vetch :: Milk vetch () A leguminous herb (Astragalus glycyphyllos) of Europe and Asia, supposed to increase the secretion of milk in goats..
Crust :: Crust (n.) A hard mass, made up of dried secretions blood, or pus, occurring upon the surface of the body..
Protoplasm :: Protoplasm (n.) The viscid and more or less granular material of vegetable and animal cells, possessed of vital properties by which the processes of nutrition, secretion, and growth go forward; the so-called physical basis of life; the original cell substance, cytoplasm, cytoblastema, bioplasm sarcode, etc..
Yolk :: Yolk (n.) An oily secretion which naturally covers the wool of sheep.
Nectar :: Nectar (n.) A sweetish secretion of blossoms from which bees make honey.
Insalivation :: Insalivation (n.) The mixing of the food with the saliva and other secretions of the mouth in eating.
Acrid :: Acrid (a.) Causing heat and irritation; corrosive; as, acrid secretions..
Ambergris :: Ambergris (n.) A substance of the consistence of wax, found floating in the Indian Ocean and other parts of the tropics, and also as a morbid secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), which is believed to be in all cases its true origin. In color it is white, ash-gray, yellow, or black, and often variegated like marble. The floating masses are sometimes from sixty to two hundred and twenty-five pounds in weight. It is wholly volatilized as a white vapor at 212� Fah
Pearl :: Pearl (n.) A shelly concretion, usually rounded, and having a brilliant luster, with varying tints, found in the mantle, or between the mantle and shell, of certain bivalve mollusks, especially in the pearl oysters and river mussels, and sometimes in certain univalves. It is usually due to a secretion of shelly substance around some irritating foreign particle. Its substance is the same as nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Pearls which are round, or nearly round, and of fine luster, are highly esteemed
Mucific :: Mucific (a.) Inducing or stimulating the secretion of mucus; blennogenous.
Sebaceous :: Sebaceous (a.) Pertaining to, or secreting, fat; composed of fat; having the appearance of fat; as, the sebaceous secretions of some plants, or the sebaceous humor of animals..
Catchfly :: Catchfly (n.) A plant with the joints of the stem, and sometimes other parts, covered with a viscid secretion to which small insects adhere. The species of Silene are examples of the catchfly..
Secretion :: Secretion (n.) The act of secreting or concealing; as, the secretion of dutiable goods..
Deobstruent :: Deobstruent (a.) Removing obstructions; having power to clear or open the natural ducts of the fluids and secretions of the body; aperient.
Venomous :: Venomous (a.) Having a poison gland or glands for the secretion of venom, as certain serpents and insects..
Suppression :: Suppression (n.) Complete stoppage of a natural secretion or excretion; as, suppression of urine; -- used in contradiction to retention, which signifies that the secretion or excretion is retained without expulsion..
Melitose :: Melitose (n.) A variety of sugar isomeric with sucrose, extracted from cotton seeds and from the so-called Australian manna (a secretion of certain species of Eucalyptus)..
Sepia :: Sepia (n.) A pigment prepared from the ink, or black secretion, of the sepia, or cuttlefish. Treated with caustic potash, it has a rich brown color; and this mixed with a red forms Roman sepia. Cf. India ink, under India..
Thoroughpin :: Thoroughpin (n.) A disease of the hock (sometimes of the knee) of a horse, caused by inflammation of the synovial membrane and a consequent excessive secretion of the synovial fluid; -- probably so called because there is usually an oval swelling on each side of the leg, appearing somewhat as if a pin had been thrust through..
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