Definition of screen

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Screen (n.) A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, or the like..

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Hoarding :: Hoarding (n.) A screen of boards inclosing a house and materials while builders are at work.
Shade :: Shade (v. t.) To shelter or screen by intercepting the rays of light; to keep off illumination from.
Megascope :: Megascope (n.) A modification of the magic lantern, used esp. for throwing a magnified image of an opaque object on a screen, solar or artificial light being used..
Kage :: Kage (n.) A chantry chapel inclosed with lattice or screen work.
Interpose :: Interpose (v. t.) To place between; as, to interpose a screen between the eye and the light..
Opeidoscope :: Opeidoscope (n.) An instrument, consisting of a tube having one end open and the other end covered with a thin flexible membrance to the center of which is attached a small mirror. It is used for exhibiting upon a screen, by means of rays reflected from the mirror, the vibratory motions caused by sounds produced at the open end of the tube, as by speaking or singing into it..
Screen :: Screen (v. t.) To provide with a shelter or means of concealment; to separate or cut off from inconvenience, injury, or danger; to shelter; to protect; to protect by hiding; to conceal; as, fruits screened from cold winds by a forest or hill..
Fly :: Fly (v. i.) One of the upper screens of a stage in a theater.
Covered :: Covered (a.) Under cover; screened; sheltered; not exposed; hidden.
Shelter :: Shelter (n.) That which covers or defends from injury or annoyance; a protection; a screen.
Blind :: Blind (n.) Something to hinder sight or keep out light; a screen; a cover; esp. a hinged screen or shutter for a window; a blinder for a horse.
Stalk :: Stalk (v. i.) To walk behind something as a screen, for the purpose of approaching game; to proceed under clover..
Praxinoscope :: Praxinoscope (n.) An instrument, similar to the phenakistoscope, for presenting to view, or projecting upon a screen, images the natural motions of real objects..
Bonnet :: Bonnet (n.) A small defense work at a salient angle; or a part of a parapet elevated to screen the other part from enfilade fire.
Testudo :: Testudo (n.) A cover or screen which a body of troops formed with their shields or targets, by holding them over their heads when standing close to each other. This cover resembled the back of a tortoise, and served to shelter the men from darts, stones, and other missiles. A similar defense was sometimes formed of boards, and moved on wheels..
Screen :: Screen (n.) A long, coarse riddle or sieve, sometimes a revolving perforated cylinder, used to separate the coarser from the finer parts, as of coal, sand, gravel, and the like..
Diorama :: Diorama (n.) A mode of scenic representation, invented by Daguerre and Bouton, in which a painting is seen from a distance through a large opening. By a combination of transparent and opaque painting, and of transmitted and reflected light, and by contrivances such as screens and shutters, much diversity of scenic effect is produced..
Traverse :: Traverse (a.) A barrier, sliding door, movable screen, curtain, or the like..
Shade :: Shade (v. t.) To shelter; to cover from injury; to protect; to screen; to hide; as, to shade one's eyes..
Pavise :: Pavise (n.) A large shield covering the whole body, carried by a pavisor, who sometimes screened also an archer with it..
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