Definition of school

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School (n.) A place of primary instruction; an establishment for the instruction of children; as, a primary school; a common school; a grammar school..

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Head :: Head (a.) Principal; chief; leading; first; as, the head master of a school; the head man of a tribe; a head chorister; a head cook..
Class :: Class (n.) A number of students in a school or college, of the same standing, or pursuing the same studies..
Chargehouse :: Chargehouse (n.) A schoolhouse.
Clinic :: Clinic (n.) A school, or a session of a school or class, in which medicine or surgery is taught by the examination and treatment of patients in the presence of the pupils..
Herring :: Herring (n.) One of various species of fishes of the genus Clupea, and allied genera, esp. the common round or English herring (C. harengus) of the North Atlantic. Herrings move in vast schools, coming in spring to the shores of Europe and America, where they are salted and smoked in great quantities..
Schooling :: Schooling (n.) Compensation for instruction; price or reward paid to an instructor for teaching pupils.
Athenaeum :: Athenaeum (n.) A school founded at Rome by Hadrian.
Precinct :: Precinct (n.) A district within certain boundaries; a minor territorial or jurisdictional division; as, an election precinct; a school precinct..
Pedagogue :: Pedagogue (n.) A slave who led his master's children to school, and had the charge of them generally..
Ubiquitarian :: Ubiquitarian (n.) One of a school of Lutheran divines which held that the body of Christ is present everywhere, and especially in the eucharist, in virtue of his omnipresence. Called also ubiquitist, and ubiquitary..
Cyrenian :: Cyrenian (n.) One of a school of philosophers, established at Cyrene by Aristippus, a disciple of Socrates. Their doctrines were nearly the same as those of the Epicureans..
Run :: Run (v. i.) To migrate or move in schools; -- said of fish; esp., to ascend a river in order to spawn..
Cyrenaic :: Cyrenaic (a.) Pertaining to Cyrenaica, an ancient country of northern Africa, and to Cyrene, its principal city; also, to a school of philosophy founded by Aristippus, a native of Cyrene..
Black Monday :: Black Monday () The first Monday after the holidays; -- so called by English schoolboys.
Final :: Final (a.) Pertaining to the end or conclusion; last; terminating; ultimate; as, the final day of a school term..
Pack :: Pack (v. i.) To gather in flocks or schools; as, the grouse or the perch begin to pack..
Iatrochemistry :: Iatrochemistry (n.) Chemistry applied to, or used in, medicine; -- used especially with reference to the doctrines in the school of physicians in Flanders, in the 17th century, who held that health depends upon the proper chemical relations of the fluids of the body, and who endeavored to explain the conditions of health or disease by chemical principles..
Neoplatonism :: Neoplatonism (n.) A pantheistic eclectic school of philosophy, of which Plotinus was the chief (A. D. 205-270), and which sought to reconcile the Platonic and Aristotelian systems with Oriental theosophy. It tended to mysticism and theurgy, and was the last product of Greek philosophy..
Scholasticism :: Scholasticism (n.) The method or subtilties of the schools of philosophy; scholastic formality; scholastic doctrines or philosophy.
Mistress :: Mistress (n.) A woman having power, authority, or ownership; a woman who exercises authority, is chief, etc.; the female head of a family, a school, etc..
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