Definition of sale

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Sale (v. t.) Public disposal to the highest bidder, or exposure of goods in market; auction..

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Vendition :: Vendition (n.) The act of vending, or selling; sale..
Varisse :: Varisse (n.) An imperfection on the inside of the hind leg in horses, different from a curb, but at the same height, and frequently injuring the sale of the animal by growing to an unsightly size..
Venditate :: Venditate (v. t.) To cry up. as if for sale; to blazon.
Market :: Market (v. t.) To expose for sale in a market; to traffic in; to sell in a market, and in an extended sense, to sell in any manner; as, most of the farmes have marketed their crops..
Vendible :: Vendible (n.) Something to be sold, or offered for sale..
Monopoly :: Monopoly (n.) The exclusive power, or privilege of selling a commodity; the exclusive power, right, or privilege of dealing in some article, or of trading in some market; sole command of the traffic in anything, however obtained; as, the proprietor of a patented article is given a monopoly of its sale for a limited time; chartered trading companies have sometimes had a monopoly of trade with remote regions; a combination of traders may get a monopoly of a particular product..
Speculation :: Speculation (n.) The act or practice of buying land, goods, shares, etc., in expectation of selling at a higher price, or of selling with the expectation of repurchasing at a lower price; a trading on anticipated fluctuations in price, as distinguished from trading in which the profit expected is the difference between the retail and wholesale prices, or the difference of price in different markets..
Shopman :: Shopman (n.) One who serves in a shop; a salesman.
Tophet :: Tophet (n.) A place lying east or southeast of Jerusalem, in the valley of Hinnom..
Vend :: Vend (n.) The total sales of coal from a colliery.
Saleratus :: Saleratus (n.) Aerated salt; a white crystalline substance having an alkaline taste and reaction, consisting of sodium bicarbonate (see under Sodium.) It is largely used in cooking, with sour milk (lactic acid) or cream of tartar as a substitute for yeast. It is also an ingredient of most baking powders, and is used in the preparation of effervescing drinks..
Cant :: Cant (n.) A call for bidders at a public sale; an auction.
Aceldama :: Aceldama (n.) The potter's field, said to have lain south of Jerusalem, purchased with the bribe which Judas took for betraying his Master, and therefore called the field of blood. Fig.: A field of bloodshed..
Roup :: Roup (n.) An outcry; hence, a sale of gods by auction..
Market :: Market (n.) A meeting together of people, at a stated time and place, for the purpose of traffic (as in cattle, provisions, wares, etc.) by private purchase and sale, and not by auction; as, a market is held in the town every week..
Auctioneer :: Auctioneer (n.) A person who sells by auction; a person whose business it is to dispose of goods or lands by public sale to the highest or best bidder.
Sale :: Sale (v. t.) The act of selling; the transfer of property, or a contract to transfer the ownership of property, from one person to another for a valuable consideration, or for a price in money..
Placard :: Placard (v. t.) To announce by placards; as, to placard a sale..
Warranty :: Warranty (n.) An engagement or undertaking, express or implied, that a certain fact regarding the subject of a contract is, or shall be, as it is expressly or impliedly declared or promised to be. In sales of goods by persons in possession, there is an implied warranty of title, but, as to the quality of goods, the rule of every sale is, Caveat emptor..
Bookstore :: Bookstore (n.) A store where books are kept for sale; -- called in England a bookseller's shop.
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