Definition of sacra

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sacra (pl. ) of Sacru.

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Quinnat :: Quinnat (n.) The California salmon (Oncorhynchus choicha); -- called also chouicha, king salmon, chinnook salmon, and Sacramento salmon. It is of great commercial importance..
Unhouseled :: Unhouseled (a.) Not having received the sacrament.
Sacrament :: Sacrament (n.) The pledge or token of an oath or solemn covenant; a sacred thing; a mystery.
Orally :: Orally (adv.) By, with, or in, the mouth; as, to receive the sacrament orally..
Illuminati :: Illuminati (v. t.) Persons in the early church who had received baptism; in which ceremony a lighted taper was given them, as a symbol of the spiritual illumination they has received by that sacrament..
Sacrarium :: Sacrarium (n.) The adytum of a temple.
Tractarian :: Tractarian (n.) One of the writers of the Oxford tracts, called Tracts for the Times, issued during the period 1833-1841, in which series of papers the sacramental system and authority of the Church, and the value of tradition, were brought into prominence. Also, a member of the High Church party, holding generally the principles of the Tractarian writers; a Puseyite..
Administer :: Administer (v. t.) To dispense; to serve out; to supply; execute; as, to administer relief, to administer the sacrament..
Penance :: Penance (n.) A means of repairing a sin committed, and obtaining pardon for it, consisting partly in the performance of expiatory rites, partly in voluntary submission to a punishment corresponding to the transgression. Penance is the fourth of seven sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church..
Insufflation :: Insufflation (n.) The breathing upon a person in the sacrament of baptism to symbolize the inspiration of a new spiritual life.
Sacramental :: Sacramental (n.) That which relates to a sacrament.
Sacramentary :: Sacramentary (n.) Same as Sacramentarian, n., 1..
Confession :: Confession (n.) The act of disclosing sins or faults to a priest in order to obtain sacramental absolution.
Solemnity :: Solemnity (n.) A rite or ceremony performed with religious reverence; religious or ritual ceremony; as, the solemnity of a funeral, a sacrament..
Baptize :: Baptize (v. t.) To administer the sacrament of baptism to.
Baptism :: Baptism (v. i.) The act of baptizing; the application of water to a person, as a sacrament or religious ceremony, by which he is initiated into the visible church of Christ. This is performed by immersion, sprinkling, or pouring..
Euchology :: Euchology (n.) A formulary of prayers; the book of offices in the Greek Church, containing the liturgy, sacraments, and forms of prayers..
Sacramentally :: Sacramentally (adv.) In a sacramental manner.
Lumbosacral :: Lumbosacral (n.) Of or pertaining to the loins and sacrum; as, the lumbosacral nerve, a branch of one of the lumber nerves which passes over the sacrum..
Septfoil :: Septfoil (n.) A typical figure, consisting of seven equal segments of a circle, used to denote the gifts of the Holy Chost, the seven sacraments as recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, etc..
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