Definition of russian

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Russian (a.) Of or pertaining to Russia, its inhabitants, or language..

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Russ :: Russ (a.) Of or pertaining to the Russians.
Immolator :: Immolator (n.) One who offers in sacrifice; specifically, one of a sect of Russian fanatics who practice self-mutilatio and sacrifice..
Soutache :: Soutache (n.) A kind of narrow braid, usually of silk; -- also known as Russian braid..
Boyard :: Boyard (n.) A member of a Russian aristocratic order abolished by Peter the Great. Also, one of a privileged class in Roumania..
Russian :: Russian (n.) A native or inhabitant of Russia; the language of Russia.
Vedro :: Vedro (n.) A Russian liquid measure, equal to 3.249 gallons of U. S. standard measure, or 2.706 imperial gallons..
Sandre :: Sandre (n.) A Russian fish (Lucioperca sandre) which yields a valuable oil, called sandre oil, used in the preparation of caviare..
Lettic :: Lettic (n.) The language of the Lettic race, including Lettish, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian..
Prussic :: Prussic (a.) designating the acid now called hydrocyanic acid, but formerly called prussic acid, because Prussian blue is derived from it or its compounds. See Hydrocyanic..
Woad-waxen :: Woad-waxen (n.) A leguminous plant (Genista tinctoria) of Europe and Russian Asia, and adventitious in America; -- called also greenwood, greenweed, dyer's greenweed, and whin, wood-wash, wood-wax, and wood-waxen..
Russophobia :: Russophobia (n.) Morbid dread of Russia or of Russian influence.
Carlock :: Carlock (n.) A sort of Russian isinglass, made from the air bladder of the sturgeon, and used in clarifying wine..
Xylophone :: Xylophone (n.) An instrument common among the Russians, Poles, and Tartars, consisting of a series of strips of wood or glass graduated in length to the musical scale, resting on belts of straw, and struck with two small hammers. Called in Germany strohfiedel, or straw fiddle..
Vodka :: Vodka (n.) A Russian drink distilled from rye.
Marten :: Marten (n.) Any one of several fur-bearing carnivores of the genus Mustela, closely allied to the sable. Among the more important species are the European beech, or stone, marten (Mustela foina); the pine marten (M. martes); and the American marten, or sable (M. Americana), which some zoologists consider only a variety of the Russian sable..
Calmucks :: Calmucks (n. pl.) A branch of the Mongolian race inhabiting parts of the Russian and Chinese empires; also (sing.), the language of the Calmucks..
Fenks :: Fenks (n.) The refuse whale blubber, used as a manure, and in the manufacture of Prussian blue..
Kopeck :: Kopeck (n.) A small Russian coin. One hundred kopecks make a rouble, worth about sixty cents..
Turnbull''s Blue :: Turnbull's blue () The double cyanide of ferrous and ferric iron, a dark blue amorphous substance having a coppery luster, used in dyeing, calico printing, etc. Cf. Prussian blue, under Prussian..
Kieserite :: Kieserite (n.) Hydrous sulphate of magnesia found at the salt mines of Stassfurt, Prussian Saxony..
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