Definition of rural

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Rural (a.) Of or pertaining to the country, as distinguished from a city or town; living in the country; suitable for, or resembling, the country; rustic; as, rural scenes; a rural prospect..

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Ruridecanal :: Ruridecanal (a.) Of or pertaining to a rural dean; as, a ruridecanal district; the ruridecanal intellect..
Sylvan :: Sylvan (a.) Of or pertaining to a sylva; forestlike; hence, rural; rustic..
Ruralize :: Ruralize (v. t.) To render rural; to give a rural appearance to.
Ruralist :: Ruralist (n.) One who leads a rural life.
Birlaw :: Birlaw (n.) A law made by husbandmen respecting rural affairs; a rustic or local law or by-law.
Crural :: Crural (a.) Of or pertaining to the thigh or leg, or to any of the parts called crura; as, the crural arteries; crural arch; crural canal; crural ring..
Peasant :: Peasant (a.) Rustic, rural..
Pastoral :: Pastoral (n.) A cantata relating to rural life; a composition for instruments characterized by simplicity and sweetness; a lyrical composition the subject of which is taken from rural life.
Genitocrural :: Genitocrural (a.) Pertaining to the genital organs and the thigh; -- applied especially to one of the lumbar nerves.
Dust-point :: Dust-point (n.) An old rural game.
Ruralism :: Ruralism (n.) The quality or state of being rural; ruralness.
Town :: Town (adv. & prep.) Any collection of houses larger than a village, and not incorporated as a city; also, loosely, any large, closely populated place, whether incorporated or not, in distinction from the country, or from rural communities..
Country :: Country (a.) Pertaining to the regions remote from a city; rural; rustic; as, a country life; a country town; the country party, as opposed to city..
Rustic :: Rustic (n.) A rural person having a natural simplicity of character or manners; an artless, unaffected person..
Bicrural :: Bicrural (a.) Having two legs.
Villatic :: Villatic (a.) Of or pertaining to a farm or a village; rural.
Intercrural :: Intercrural (a.) Between crura; -- applied especially to the interneural plates in the vertebral column of many cartilaginous fishes.
Equicrure :: Equicrure (a.) Equicrural.
Georgic :: Georgic (a.) A rural poem; a poetical composition on husbandry, containing rules for cultivating lands, etc.; as, the Georgics of Virgil..
Ties :: ties (pl. ) of Ruralit.
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