Definition of runner

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Runner (n.) One employed to solicit patronage, as for a steamboat, hotel, shop, etc..

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Antecursor :: Antecursor (n.) A forerunner; a precursor.
Turnstone :: Turnstone (n.) Any species of limicoline birds of the genera Strepsilas and Arenaria, allied to the plovers, especially the common American and European species (Strepsilas interpres). They are so called from their habit of turning up small stones in search of mollusks and other aquatic animals. Called also brant bird, sand runner, sea quail, sea lark, sparkback, and skirlcrake..
Sled :: Sled (n.) A vehicle on runners, used for conveying loads over the snow or ice; -- in England called sledge..
Float :: Float (v. i.) A polishing block used in marble working; a runner.
Phaseolus :: Phaseolus (n.) A genus of leguminous plants, including the Lima bean, the kidney bean, the scarlet runner, etc. See Bean..
Runner :: Runner (n.) One who, or that which, runs; a racer..
Runner :: Runner (n.) A horizontal channel in a mold, through which the metal flows to the cavity formed by the pattern; also, the waste metal left in such a channel..
Runner :: Runner (n.) One employed to solicit patronage, as for a steamboat, hotel, shop, etc..
Spindle :: Spindle (n.) The vertical rod on which the runner of a grinding mill turns.
Runner :: Runner (n.) A rope rove through a block and used to increase the mechanical power of a tackle.
Runner :: Runner (n.) A messenger.
Shoe :: Shoe (n.) A band of iron or steel, or a ship of wood, fastened to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh, or any vehicle which slides on the snow..
Runner :: Runner (n.) A movable slab or rubber used in grinding or polishing a surface of stone.
Kibitka :: Kibitka (n.) A rude kind of Russian vehicle, on wheels or on runners, sometimes covered with cloth or leather, and often used as a movable habitation..
Pung :: Pung (n.) A kind of plain sleigh drawn by one horse; originally, a rude oblong box on runners..
Sled :: Sled (n.) A small, light vehicle with runners, used, mostly by young persons, for sliding on snow or ice..
Tedge :: Tedge (n.) The gate of a mold, through which the melted metal is poured; runner, geat..
Forerunner :: Forerunner (n.) A piece of rag terminating the log line.
Frogbit :: Frogbit (n.) A European plant (Hydrocharis Morsus-ranae), floating on still water and propagating itself by runners. It has roundish leaves and small white flowers..
Spray :: Spray (n.) A side channel or branch of the runner of a flask, made to distribute the metal in all parts of the mold..
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