Definition of rudiment

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Rudiment (n.) Hence, an element or first principle of any art or science; a beginning of any knowledge; a first step..

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Bud :: Bud (n.) A small protuberance on the stem or branches of a plant, containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stems; an undeveloped branch or flower..
Pseudobranchia :: Pseudobranchia (n.) A rudimentary branchia, or gill..
Proatlas :: Proatlas (n.) A vertebral rudiment in front of the atlas in some reptiles.
Tectibranchiata :: Tectibranchiata (n. pl.) An order, or suborder, of gastropod Mollusca in which the gills are usually situated on one side of the back, and protected by a fold of the mantle. When there is a shell, it is usually thin and delicate and often rudimentary. The aplysias and the bubble shells are examples..
Indoctrinate :: Indoctrinate (v. t.) To instruct in the rudiments or principles of learning, or of a branch of learning; to imbue with learning; to instruct in, or imbue with, principles or doctrines; to teach; -- often followed by in..
Hornbook :: Hornbook (n.) The first book for children, or that from which in former times they learned their letters and rudiments; -- so called because a sheet of horn covered the small, thin board of oak, or the slip of paper, on which the alphabet, digits, and often the Lord's Prayer, were written or printed; a primer..
Globulite :: Globulite (n.) A rudimentary form of crystallite, spherical in shape..
Accidence :: Accidence (n.) The rudiments of any subject.
Beginning :: Beginning (n.) That which is begun; a rudiment or element.
Bosset :: Bosset (n.) A rudimental antler of a young male of the red deer.
Hibernaculum :: Hibernaculum (n.) A winter bud, in which the rudimentary foliage or flower, as of most trees and shrubs in the temperate zone, is protected by closely overlapping scales..
Pygopod :: Pygopod (n.) Any species of serpentiform lizards of the family Pygopodidae, which have rudimentary hind legs near the anal cleft, but lack fore legs..
Lyencephala :: Lyencephala (n. pl.) A group of Mammalia, including the marsupials and monotremes; -- so called because the corpus callosum is rudimentary..
Element :: Element (n.) The simplest or fundamental principles of any system in philosophy, science, or art; rudiments; as, the elements of geometry, or of music..
Strepsipterous :: Strepsiptera (n. pl.) A group of small insects having the anterior wings rudimentary, and in the form of short and slender twisted appendages, while the posterior ones are large and membranous. They are parasitic in the larval state on bees, wasps, and the like; -- called also Rhipiptera. See Illust. under Rhipipter..
Halteres :: Halteres (n. pl.) Balancers; the rudimentary hind wings of Diptera.
Institutional :: Institutional (a.) Elementary; rudimental.
Mamma :: Mamma (n.) A glandular organ for secreting milk, characteristic of all mammals, but usually rudimentary in the male; a mammary gland; a breast; under; bag..
Institute :: Institute (v. t.) To ground or establish in principles and rudiments; to educate; to instruct.
Prepollent :: Prepollent (n.) An extra first digit, or rudiment of a digit, on the preaxial side of the pollex..
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