Definition of rotation

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Rotation (a.) Pertaining to, or resulting from, rotation; of the nature of, or characterized by, rotation; as, rotational velocity..

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Cycloscope :: Cycloscope (n.) A machine for measuring at any moment velocity of rotation, as of a wheel of a steam engine..
Swivel :: Swivel (a.) A piece, as a ring or hook, attached to another piece by a pin, in such a manner as to permit rotation about the pin as an axis..
Rotative :: Rotative (a.) turning, as a wheel; rotary; rotational..
Orientation :: Orientation (n.) The tendency of a revolving body, when suspended in a certain way, to bring the axis of rotation into parallelism with the earth's axis..
Spina Bifida :: Spin (n.) Velocity of rotation about some specified axis.
Couple :: Couple (a.) Two rotations, movements, etc., which are equal in amount but opposite in direction, and acting along parallel lines or around parallel axes..
Gyration :: Gyration (n.) The act of turning or whirling, as around a fixed center; a circular or spiral motion; motion about an axis; rotation; revolution..
Rotation :: Rotation (n.) The act of turning, as a wheel or a solid body on its axis, as distinguished from the progressive motion of a revolving round another body or a distant point; thus, the daily turning of the earth on its axis is a rotation; its annual motion round the sun is a revolution..
Wheely :: Wheely (a.) Circular; suitable to rotation.
Following :: Following (a.) (In the field of a telescope) In the direction from which stars are apparently moving (in consequence of the earth's rotation); as, a small star, north following or south following. In the direction toward which stars appear to move is called preceding..
Rotation :: Rotation (n.) Any return or succesion in a series.
Equirotal :: Equirotal (a.) Having wheels of the same size or diameter; having equal rotation.
Rolling :: Rolling (a.) Rotating on an axis, or moving along a surface by rotation; turning over and over as if on an axis or a pivot; as, a rolling wheel or ball..
Irrotational :: Irrotational (a.) Not rotatory; passing from one point to another by a movement other than rotation; -- said of the movement of parts of a liquid or yielding mass.
Glissette :: Glissette (n.) The locus described by any point attached to a curve that slips continuously on another fixed curve, the movable curve having no rotation at any instant..
Circumduction :: Circumduction (n.) The rotation of a limb round an imaginary axis, so as to describe a concial surface..
Revolution :: Revolution (n.) The act of revolving, or turning round on an axis or a center; the motion of a body round a fixed point or line; rotation; as, the revolution of a wheel, of a top, of the earth on its axis, etc..
Whirl :: Whirl (v. t.) A turning with rapidity or velocity; rapid rotation or circumvolution; quick gyration; rapid or confusing motion; as, the whirl of a top; the whirl of a wheel..
Translation :: Translation (n.) Motion in which all the points of the moving body have at any instant the same velocity and direction of motion; -- opposed to rotation.
Rote :: Rote (v. i.) To go out by rotation or succession; to rotate.
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