Definition of ribbon

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Ribbon (v. t.) To adorn with, or as with, ribbons; to mark with stripes resembling ribbons..

Lern More About Ribbon

Gill :: Gill (n.) One of the combs of closely ranged steel pins which divide the ribbons of flax fiber or wool into fewer parallel filaments.
Ribanded :: Ribanded (a.) Ribboned.
Ribbon :: Ribbon (n.) A narrow strip or shred; as, a steel or magnesium ribbon; sails torn to ribbons..
Bodkin :: Bodkin (n.) A kind of needle with a large eye and a blunt point, for drawing tape, ribbon, etc., through a loop or a hem; a tape needle..
Lady''s Garters :: Lady's garters () Ribbon grass.
Festoon :: Festoon (n.) A carved ornament consisting of flowers, and leaves, intermixed or twisted together, wound with a ribbon, and hanging or depending in a natural curve. See Illust. of Bucranium..
Odontophore :: Odontophore (n.) A special structure found in the mouth of most mollusks, except bivalves. It consists of several muscles and a cartilage which supports a chitinous radula, or lingual ribbon, armed with teeth. Also applied to the radula alone. See Radula..
Cross-banded :: Cross-banded (a.) A term used when a narrow ribbon of veneer is inserted into the surface of any piece of furniture, wainscoting, etc., so that the grain of it is contrary to the general surface..
Knot :: Knot (n.) An ornamental tie, as of a ribbon..
Ribbonman :: Ribbonman (n.) A member of the Ribbon Society. See Ribbon Society, under Ribbon..
Ribboning :: Ribboning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ribbo.
Clouding :: Clouding (n.) A mottled appearance given to ribbons and silks in the process of dyeing.
Radula :: Radula (n.) The chitinous ribbon bearing the teeth of mollusks; -- called also lingual ribbon, and tongue. See Odontophore..
Ribbonism :: Ribbonism (n.) The principles and practices of the Ribbonmen. See Ribbon Society, under Ribbon..
Taste :: Taste (n.) A kind of narrow and thin silk ribbon.
Ribbon :: Ribbon (n.) Driving reins.
Riband :: Riband (n.) See Ribbon.
Ribbon :: Ribbon (n.) A bearing similar to the bend, but only one eighth as wide..
Favor :: Favor (n.) A gift or represent; something bestowed as an evidence of good will; a token of love; a knot of ribbons; something worn as a token of affection; as, a marriage favor is a bunch or knot of white ribbons or white flowers worn at a wedding..
Lutestring :: Lutestring (n.) A plain, stout, lustrous silk, used for ladies' dresses and for ribbon..
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