Definition of revelation

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Revelation (n.) Specifically, the last book of the sacred canon, containing the prophecies of St. John; the Apocalypse..

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Unbelieving :: Unbelieving (a.) Believing the thing alleged no to be true; disbelieving; especially, believing that Bible is not a divine revelation, or that Christ was not a divine or a supernatural person..
Unbolt :: Unbolt (v. i.) To explain or unfold a matter; to make a revelation.
Unbeliever :: Unbeliever (n.) A disbeliever; especially, one who does not believe that the Bible is a divine revelation, and holds that Christ was neither a divine nor a supernatural person; an infidel; a freethinker..
Apocalyptical :: Apocalyptical (a.) Of or pertaining to a revelation, or, specifically, to the Revelation of St. John; containing, or of the nature of, a prophetic revelation..
Discovery :: Discovery (n.) A making known; revelation; disclosure; as, a bankrupt is bound to make a full discovery of his assets..
Skepticism :: Skepticism (n.) A doubting of the truth of revelation, or a denial of the divine origin of the Christian religion, or of the being, perfections, or truth of God..
Unbelief :: Unbelief (n.) Disbelief; especially, disbelief of divine revelation, or in a divine providence or scheme of redemption..
Enthusiast :: Enthusiast (n.) One moved or actuated by enthusiasm; as: (a) One who imagines himself divinely inspired, or possessed of some special revelation; a religious madman; a fanatic. (b) One whose mind is wholly possessed and heated by what engages it; one who is influenced by a peculiar; fervor of mind; an ardent and imaginative person..
Manifestation :: Manifestation (n.) The act of manifesting or disclosing, or the state of being manifested; discovery to the eye or to the understanding; also, that which manifests; exhibition; display; revelation; as, the manifestation of God's power in creation..
Naturalism :: Naturalism (n.) The doctrine of those who deny a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in spiritual influences; also, any system of philosophy which refers the phenomena of nature to a blind force or forces acting necessarily or according to fixed laws, excluding origination or direction by one intelligent will..
Revelation :: Revelation (n.) That which is revealed.
Revelation :: Revelation (n.) The act of revealing divine truth.
Overture :: Overture () Disclosure; discovery; revelation.
Expose :: Expose (v. t.) A formal recital or exposition of facts; exposure, or revelation, of something which some one wished to keep concealed..
Deism :: Deism (n.) The doctrine or creed of a deist; the belief or system of those who acknowledge the existence of one God, but deny revelation..
Supranaturalist :: Supranaturalism (n.) The state of being supernatural; belief in supernatural agency or revelation; supernaturalism.
Believer :: Believer (n.) One who gives credit to the truth of the Scriptures, as a revelation from God; a Christian; -- in a more restricted sense, one who receives Christ as his Savior, and accepts the way of salvation unfolded in the gospel..
Koran :: Koran (n.) The Scriptures of the Mohammedans, containing the professed revelations to Mohammed; -- called also Alcoran..
Revelator :: Revelator (n.) One who makes a revelation; a revealer.
Revelation :: Revelation (n.) That which is revealed by God to man; esp., the Bible..
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