Definition of restore

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Restore (v. t.) To make good; to make amends for.

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Reassure :: Reassure (v. t.) To assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or terror.
Refresh :: Refresh (a.) To make as if new; to repair; to restore.
Postliminy :: Postliminy (n.) The right by virtue of which persons and things taken by an enemy in war are restored to their former state when coming again under the power of the nation to which they belonged.
Restore :: Restore (v. t.) To make good; to make amends for.
Restorative :: Restorative (a.) Of or pertaining to restoration; having power to restore.
Reintegrate :: Reintegrate (v. t.) To renew with regard to any state or quality; to restore; to bring again together into a whole, as the parts off anything; to reestablish; as, to reintegrate a nation..
Right :: Right (a.) To do justice to; to relieve from wrong; to restore rights to; to assert or regain the rights of; as, to right the oppressed; to right one's self; also, to vindicate..
Resurrect :: Resurrect (v. t.) To reanimate; to restore to life; to bring to view (that which was forgotten or lost).
Unfool :: Unfool (v. t.) To restore from folly, or from being a fool..
Restoration :: Restoration (n.) The act of restoring or bringing back to a former place, station, or condition; the fact of being restored; renewal; reestablishment; as, the restoration of friendship between enemies; the restoration of peace after war..
Recure :: Recure (v. t.) To restore, as from weariness, sickness; or the like; to repair..
Hearten :: Hearten (v. t.) To restore fertility or strength to, as to land..
Restore :: Restore (n.) Restoration.
Reestablish :: Reestablish (v. t.) To establish anew; to fix or confirm again; to restore; as, to reestablish a covenant; to reestablish health..
Reinstate :: Reinstate (v. t.) To place again in possession, or in a former state; to restore to a state from which one had been removed; to instate again; as, to reinstate a king in the possession of the kingdom..
Remonetize :: Remonetize (v. t.) To restore to use as money; as, to remonetize silver..
Restoration :: Restoration (n.) That which is restored or renewed.
Fungibles :: Fungibles (n. pl.) Things which may be furnished or restored in kind, as distinguished from specific things; -- called also fungible things..
Heal :: Heal (v. t.) To restore to original purity or integrity.
Renovate :: Renovate (v. t.) To make over again; to restore to freshness or vigor; to renew.
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