Definition of resolve

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Resolve (v. i.) To cause to perceive or understand; to acquaint; to inform; to convince; to assure; to make certain.

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Determine :: Determine (v. t.) To resolve on; to have a fixed intention of; also, to cause to come to a conclusion or decision; to lead; as, this determined him to go immediately..
Resolvent :: Resolvent (n.) That which has power to disperse inflammatory or other tumors; a discutient; anything which aids the absorption of effused products.
Resolvent :: Resolvent (n.) An equation upon whose solution the solution of a given pproblem depends.
Solute :: Solute (v. t.) To dissolve; to resolve.
Gum Ammoniac :: Gum ammoniac (n.) The concrete juice (gum resin) of an umbelliferous plant, the Dorema ammoniacum. It is brought chiefly from Persia in the form of yellowish tears, which occur singly, or are aggregated into masses. It has a peculiar smell, and a nauseous, sweet taste, followed by a bitter one. It is inflammable, partially soluble in water and in spirit of wine, and is used in medicine as an expectorant and resolvent, and for the formation of certain plasters..
Solvable :: Solvable (a.) Susceptible of being solved, resolved, or explained; admitting of solution..
Irresolvedly :: Irresolvedly (adv.) Without settled determination; in a hesitating manner; doubtfully.
Irresolvable :: Irresolvable (a.) Incapable of being resolved; not separable into component parts.
Way :: Way (n.) Determined course; resolved mode of action or conduct; as, to have one's way..
Resolvedness :: Resolvedness (n.) Fixedness of purpose; firmness; resolution.
Resolver :: Resolver (n.) That which decomposes, or dissolves..
Definite :: Definite (a.) Determined; resolved.
Philosophy :: Philosophy (n.) Literally, the love of, including the search after, wisdom; in actual usage, the knowledge of phenomena as explained by, and resolved into, causes and reasons, powers and laws..
Irresoluble :: Irresoluble (a.) Incapable of being dissolved or resolved into parts; insoluble.
Unform :: Unform (v. t.) To decompose, or resolve into parts; to destroy the form of; to unmake..
Decompose :: Decompose (v. t.) To separate the constituent parts of; to resolve into original elements; to set free from previously existing forms of chemical combination; to bring to dissolution; to rot or decay.
Resolve :: Resolve (n.) The act of resolving or making clear; resolution; solution.
Resolve :: Resolve (v. i.) To be settled in opinion; to be convinced.
Parse :: Parse (n.) To resolve into its elements, as a sentence, pointing out the several parts of speech, and their relation to each other by government or agreement; to analyze and describe grammatically..
Solvent :: Solvent (n.) That which resolves; as, a solvent of mystery..
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