Definition of republican

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Republican (n.) A South African weaver bird (Philetaerus socius). These weaver birds build many nests together, under a large rooflike shelter, which they make of straw..

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Republicanism :: Republicanism (n.) A republican form or system of government; the principles or theory of republican government.
Red :: Red (n.) An abbreviation for Red Republican. See under Red, a..
Vendemiaire :: Vendemiaire (n.) The first month of the French republican calendar, dating from September 22, 1792..
Pluviose :: Pluviose (n.) The fifth month of the French republican calendar adopted in 1793. It began January 20, and ended February 18. See Vendemiaire..
Sans-culotte :: Sans-culotte (n.) A fellow without breeches; a ragged fellow; -- a name of reproach given in the first French revolution to the extreme republican party, who rejected breeches as an emblem peculiar to the upper classes or aristocracy, and adopted pantaloons..
Republicanizing :: Republicanizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Republicaniz.
Republican :: Republican (n.) The American cliff swallow. The cliff swallows build their nests side by side, many together..
Germinal :: Germinal (n.) The seventh month of the French republican calendar [1792 -- 1806]. It began March 21 and ended April 19. See VendEmiaire.
Republicanism :: Republicanism (n.) Attachment to, or political sympathy for, a republican form of government..
In :: In (adv.) Not out; within; inside. In, the preposition, becomes an adverb by omission of its object, leaving it as the representative of an adverbial phrase, the context indicating what the omitted object is; as, he takes in the situation (i. e., he comprehends it in his mind); the Republicans were in (i. e., in office); in at one ear and out at the other (i. e., in or into the head); his side was in (i. e., in the turn at the bat); he came in (i. e., into the house)..
Sans-culottism :: Sans-culottism (n.) Extreme republican principles; the principles or practice of the sans-culottes.
Republican :: Republican (a.) Consonant with the principles of a republic; as, republican sentiments or opinions; republican manners..
Fructidor :: Fructidor (n.) The twelfth month of the French republican calendar; -- commencing August 18, and ending September 16. See Vendemiaire..
Mugwump :: Mugwump (n.) A bolter from the Republican party in the national election of 1884; an Independent.
Liberal :: Liberal (a.) Not bound by orthodox tenets or established forms in political or religious philosophy; independent in opinion; not conservative; friendly to great freedom in the constitution or administration of government; having tendency toward democratic or republican, as distinguished from monarchical or aristocratic, forms; as, liberal thinkers; liberal Christians; the Liberal party..
Form :: Form (n.) Constitution; mode of construction, organization, etc.; system; as, a republican form of government..
Communalism :: Communalism (n.) A French theory of government which holds that commune should be a kind of independent state, and the national government a confederation of such states, having only limited powers. It is advocated by advanced French republicans; but it should not be confounded with communism..
Center :: Center (n.) Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who support the existing government. They sit in the middle of the legislative chamber, opposite the presiding officer, between the conservatives or monarchists, who sit on the right of the speaker, and the radicals or advanced republicans who occupy the seats on his left, See Right, and Left..
Sans-culotte :: Sans-culotte (n.) Hence, an extreme or radical republican; a violent revolutionist; a Jacobin..
Republican :: Republican (n.) One who favors or prefers a republican form of government.
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