Definition of remedy

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Remedy (n.) To apply a remedy to; to relieve; to cure; to heal; to repair; to redress; to correct; to counteract.

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Retrieve :: Retrieve (v. t.) To remedy the evil consequence of, to repair, as a loss or damadge..
Astigmatic :: Astigmatic (a.) Affected with, or pertaining to, astigmatism; as, astigmatic eyes; also, remedying astigmatism; as, astigmatic lenses..
Cure :: Cure (n.) Means of the removal of disease or evil; that which heals; a remedy; a restorative.
Bilimbing :: Bilimbing (n.) The berries of two East Indian species of Averrhoa, of the Oxalideae or Sorrel family. They are very acid, and highly esteemed when preserved or pickled. The juice is used as a remedy for skin diseases..
Anticatarrhal :: Anticatarrhal (n.) An anticatarrhal remedy.
Antihysteric :: Antihysteric (n.) A remedy for hysteria.
Medicine :: Medicine (n.) Any substance administered in the treatment of disease; a remedial agent; a remedy; physic.
Infallible :: Infallible (a.) Not liable to fail, deceive, or disappoint; indubitable; sure; certain; as, infallible evidence; infallible success; an infallible remedy..
Cureall :: Cureall (n.) A remedy for all diseases, or for all ills; a panacea..
Antisplenetic :: Antisplenetic (a.) Good as a remedy against disease of the spleen.
Anaplerotic :: Anaplerotic (n.) A remedy which promotes such granulation.
Magistery :: Magistery (n.) Mastery; powerful medical influence; renowned efficacy; a sovereign remedy.
Recure :: Recure (v. t.) To be a cure for; to remedy.
Lithontriptic :: Lithontriptic (n.) A lithontriptic remedy or agent, as distilled water..
Anticausotic :: Anticausotic (n.) A remedy for such a fever.
Specific :: Specific (n.) A specific remedy. See Specific, a., 3..
Cato-cathartic :: Cato-cathartic (n.) A remedy that purges by alvine discharges.
Remedy :: Remedy (n.) That which corrects or counteracts an evil of any kind; a corrective; a counteractive; reparation; cure; -- followed by for or against, formerly by to..
Antemetic :: Antemetic (n.) A remedy to check or allay vomiting.
Remedy :: Remedy (n.) The legal means to recover a right, or to obtain redress for a wrong..
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