Definition of reject

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Reject (v. t.) To cast from one; to throw away; to discard.

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Revolt :: Revolt (n.) To turn away; to abandon or reject something; specifically, to turn away, or shrink, with abhorrence..
Paulician :: Paulician (n.) One of a sect of Christian dualists originating in Armenia in the seventh century. They rejected the Old Testament and the part of the New.
Renounce :: Renounce (v. t.) To declare against; to reject or decline formally; to refuse to own or acknowledge as belonging to one; to disclaim; as, to renounce a title to land or to a throne..
Secularist :: Secularist (n.) One who theoretically rejects every form of religious faith, and every kind of religious worship, and accepts only the facts and influences which are derived from the present life; also, one who believes that education and other matters of civil policy should be managed without the introduction of a religious element..
Spurn :: Spurn (n.) Disdainful rejection; contemptuous tratment.
Sordes :: Sordes (n.) Foul matter; excretion; dregs; filthy, useless, or rejected matter of any kind; specifically (Med.), the foul matter that collects on the teeth and tongue in low fevers and other conditions attended with great vital depression..
Plymouth Brethren :: Plymouth Brethren () The members of a religious sect which first appeared at Plymouth, England, about 1830. They protest against sectarianism, and reject all official ministry or clergy. Also called Brethren, Christian Brethren, Plymouthists, etc. The Darbyites are a division of the Brethren..
Defy :: Defy (v. t.) To renounce or dissolve all bonds of affiance, faith, or obligation with; to reject, refuse, or renounce..
Sacramentarian :: Sacramentarian (n.) A name given in the sixteenth century to those German reformers who rejected both the Roman and the Lutheran doctrine of the holy eucharist.
Rejecting :: Rejecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Rejec.
Ignore :: Ignore (v. t.) To throw out or reject as false or ungrounded; -- said of a bill rejected by a grand jury for want of evidence. See Ignoramus.
Abhor :: Abhor (v. t.) To protest against; to reject solemnly.
Offer :: Offer (v. t.) That which is offered or brought forward; a proposal to be accepted or rejected; a sum offered; a bid.
Waste :: Waste (a.) Lying unused; unproductive; worthless; valueless; refuse; rejected; as, waste land; waste paper..
Refuse :: Refuse (n.) That which is refused or rejected as useless; waste or worthless matter.
Weed :: Weed (v. t.) To reject as unfit for breeding purposes.
Renounce :: Renounce (v. t.) To cast off or reject deliberately; to disown; to dismiss; to forswear.
Discardure :: Discardure (n.) Rejection; dismissal.
Sans-culotte :: Sans-culotte (n.) A fellow without breeches; a ragged fellow; -- a name of reproach given in the first French revolution to the extreme republican party, who rejected breeches as an emblem peculiar to the upper classes or aristocracy, and adopted pantaloons..
Abnegate :: Abnegate (v. t.) To deny and reject; to abjure.
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