Definition of rein

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Rein (v. t.) To govern or direct with the reins; as, to rein a horse one way or another..

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Bridle :: Bridle (n.) The head gear with which a horse is governed and restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins, with other appendages..
Reinthronize :: Reinthronize (v. t.) To enthrone again.
Zollverein :: Zollverein (n.) Literally, a customs union; specifically, applied to the several customs unions successively formed under the leadership of Prussia among certain German states for establishing liberty of commerce among themselves and common tariff on imports, exports, and transit..
Refresh :: Refresh (a.) To make fresh again; to restore strength, spirit, animation, or the like, to; to relieve from fatigue or depression; to reinvigorate; to enliven anew; to reanimate; as, sleep refreshes the body and the mind..
Podetium :: Podetium (n.) A stalk which bears the fructification in some lichens, as in the so-called reindeer moss..
Reinsertion :: Reinsertion (n.) The act of reinserting.
Resiege :: Resiege (v. t.) To seat again; to reinstate.
Hereinbefore :: Hereinbefore (adv.) In the preceding part of this (writing, document, book, etc.)..
Dreint :: Dreint () p. p. of Drench to drown.
Burglary :: Burglary (n.) Breaking and entering the dwelling house of another, in the nighttime, with intent to commit a felony therein, whether the felonious purpose be accomplished or not..
Terret :: Terret (n.) One of the rings on the top of the saddle of a harness, through which the reins pass..
Dereine :: Dereine (v. t.) Alt. of Dereyn.
Reinette :: Reinette (n.) A name given to many different kinds of apples, mostly of French origin..
Reinsurance :: Reinsurance (n.) Insurance a second time or again; renewed insurance.
Reined :: Reined (imp. & p. p.) of Rei.
Ribbon :: Ribbon (n.) Driving reins.
Serein :: Serein (n.) A mist, or very fine rain, which sometimes falls from a clear sky a few moments after sunset..
Indorsement :: Indorsement (n.) That which is written on the back of a note, bill, or other paper, as a name, an order for, or a receipt of, payment, or the return of an officer, etc.; a writing, usually upon the back, but sometimes on the face, of a negotiable instrument, by which the property therein is assigned and transferred..
Preinstructed :: Preinstructed (imp. & p. p.) of Preinstruc.
Reinter :: Reinter (v. t.) To inter again.
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