Definition of record

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Record (v. t.) An official contemporaneous writing by which the acts of some public body, or public officer, are recorded; as, a record of city ordinances; the records of the receiver of taxes..

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Herdbook :: Herdbook (n.) A book containing the list and pedigrees of one or more herds of choice breeds of cattle; -- also called herd record, or herd register..
Depository :: Depository (n.) A place where anything is deposited for sale or keeping; as, warehouse is a depository for goods; a clerk's office is a depository for records..
Noctuary :: Noctuary (n.) A record of what passes in the night; a nightly journal; -- distinguished from diary.
Synosteology :: Synoptist (n.) Any one of the authors of the three synoptic Gospels, which give a history of our Lord's life and ministry, in distinction from the writer of John's Gospel, which gives a fuller record of his teachings..
Historicize :: Historicize (v. t.) To record or narrate in the manner of a history; to chronicle.
Thermometrograph :: Thermometrograph (n.) An instrument for recording graphically the variations of temperature, or the indications of a thermometer..
Heraldry :: Heraldry (n.) The art or office of a herald; the art, practice, or science of recording genealogies, and blazoning arms or ensigns armorial; also, of marshaling cavalcades, processions, and public ceremonies..
Poll :: Poll (n.) The casting or recording of the votes of registered electors; as, the close of the poll..
Greffier :: Greffier (n.) A registrar or recorder; a notary.
Make :: Make (v. t.) To bring about; to bring forward; to be the cause or agent of; to effect, do, perform, or execute; -- often used with a noun to form a phrase equivalent to the simple verb that corresponds to such noun; as, to make complaint, for to complain; to make record of, for to record; to make abode, for to abide, etc..
Spirometer :: Spirograph (n.) An instrument for recording the respiratory movements, as the sphygmograph does those of the pulse..
Mittimus :: Mittimus (n.) A writ for removing records from one court to another.
Flageolet :: Flageolet (n.) A small wooden pipe, having six or more holes, and a mouthpiece inserted at one end. It produces a shrill sound, softer than of the piccolo flute, and is said to have superseded the old recorder..
Memorize :: Memorize (v. t.) To cause to be remembered ; hence, to record..
Estreat :: Estreat (n.) A true copy, duplicate, or extract of an original writing or record, esp. of amercements or penalties set down in the rolls of court to be levied by the bailiff, or other officer..
Supernaturalist :: Supernaturalism (n.) The doctrine of a divine and supernatural agency in the production of the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in the grace which renews and sanctifies men, -- in opposition to the doctrine which denies the agency of any other than physical or natural causes in the case..
Naturalism :: Naturalism (n.) The doctrine of those who deny a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in spiritual influences; also, any system of philosophy which refers the phenomena of nature to a blind force or forces acting necessarily or according to fixed laws, excluding origination or direction by one intelligent will..
Diploma :: Diploma (n.) A letter or writing, usually under seal, conferring some privilege, honor, or power; a document bearing record of a degree conferred by a literary society or educational institution..
Turn :: Turn (n.) A court of record, held by the sheriff twice a year in every hundred within his county..
Thermograph :: Thermograph (n.) An instrument for automatically recording indications of the variation of temperature.
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