Definition of rape

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Rape (n.) A name given to a variety or to varieties of a plant of the turnip kind, grown for seeds and herbage. The seeds are used for the production of rape oil, and to a limited extent for the food of cage birds..

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Draperies :: Draperies (pl. ) of Draper.
Starch :: Starch (n.) A widely diffused vegetable substance found especially in seeds, bulbs, and tubers, and extracted (as from potatoes, corn, rice, etc.) as a white, glistening, granular or powdery substance, without taste or smell, and giving a very peculiar creaking sound when rubbed between the fingers. It is used as a food, in the production of commercial grape sugar, for stiffening linen in laundries, in making paste, etc..
Must :: Must (n.) The expressed juice of the grape, or other fruit, before fermentation..
Brattishing :: Brattishing (n.) Carved openwork, as of a shrine, battlement, or parapet..
Brisure :: Brisure (n.) Any part of a rampart or parapet which deviates from the general direction.
Deblai :: Deblai (n.) The cavity from which the earth for parapets, etc. (remblai), is taken..
Glucose :: Glucose (n.) A variety of sugar occurring in nature very abundantly, as in ripe grapes, and in honey, and produced in great quantities from starch, etc., by the action of heat and acids. It is only about half as sweet as cane sugar. Called also dextrose, grape sugar, diabetic sugar, and starch sugar. See Dextrose..
Filleting :: Filleting (n.) The protecting of a joint, as between roof and parapet wall, with mortar, or cement, where flashing is employed in better work..
Fidia :: Fidia (n.) A genus of small beetles, of which one species (the grapevine Fidia, F. longipes) is very injurious to vines in America..
Flank :: Flank (n.) That part of a bastion which reaches from the curtain to the face, and defends the curtain, the flank and face of the opposite bastion; any part of a work defending another by a fire along the outside of its parapet..
Crape :: Crape (n.) A thin, crimped stuff, made of raw silk gummed and twisted on the mill. Black crape is much used for mourning garments, also for the dress of some clergymen..
Botryoidal :: Botryoidal (a.) Having the form of a bunch of grapes; like a cluster of grapes, as a mineral presenting an aggregation of small spherical or spheroidal prominences..
Vindemiation :: Vindemiation (n.) The operation of gathering grapes.
Drape :: Drape (v. t.) To cover or adorn with drapery or folds of cloth, or as with drapery; as, to drape a bust, a building, etc..
Balustrade :: Balustrade (n.) A row of balusters topped by a rail, serving as an open parapet, as along the edge of a balcony, terrace, bridge, staircase, or the eaves of a building..
Underskirt :: Underskirt (n.) A petticoat; the foundation skirt of a draped dress.
Balcony :: Balcony (n.) A platform projecting from the wall of a building, usually resting on brackets or consoles, and inclosed by a parapet; as, a balcony in front of a window. Also, a projecting gallery in places of amusement; as, the balcony in a theater..
Shuffle :: Shuffle (v. i.) To move in a slovenly, dragging manner; to drag or scrape the feet in walking or dancing..
Cole :: Cole (n.) A plant of the Brassica or Cabbage genus; esp. that form of B. oleracea called rape and coleseed.
Hopper :: Hopper (n.) See Grasshopper, and Frog hopper, Grape hopper, Leaf hopper, Tree hopper, under Frog, Grape, Leaf, and Tree..
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