Definition of range

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Range (v.) The region within which a plant or animal naturally lives.

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Ribbing :: Ribbing (n.) An assemblage or arrangement of ribs, as the timberwork for the support of an arch or coved ceiling, the veins in the leaves of some plants, ridges in the fabric of cloth, or the like..
Column :: Column (n.) A number of ships so arranged as to follow one another in single or double file or in squadrons; -- in distinction from line, where they are side by side..
Lyra :: Lyra (n.) The middle portion of the ventral surface of the fornix of the brain; -- so called from the arrangement of the lines with which it is marked in the human brain.
Rummy :: Rummy (a.) Strange; odd.
Nervation :: Nervation (n.) The arrangement of nerves and veins, especially those of leaves; neuration..
Chiaro-oscuro :: Chiaro-oscuro (n.) The arrangement of light and dark parts in a work of art, such as a drawing or painting, whether in monochrome or in color..
Interrupter :: Interrupter (n.) A device for opening and closing an electrical circuit; a vibrating spring or tuning fork, arranged to make and break a circuit at rapidly recurring intervals, by the action of the current itself..
Labyrinth :: Labyrinth (n.) Any object or arrangement of an intricate or involved form, or having a very complicated nature..
Range :: Range (n.) To set in a row, or in rows; to place in a regular line or lines, or in ranks; to dispose in the proper order; to rank; as, to range soldiers in line..
Ounce :: Ounce (n.) A feline quadruped (Felis irbis, / uncia) resembling the leopard in size, and somewhat in color, but it has longer and thicker fur, which forms a short mane on the back. The ounce is pale yellowish gray, with irregular dark spots on the neck and limbs, and dark rings on the body. It inhabits the lofty mountain ranges of Asia. Called also once..
Pitch :: Pitch (v. t.) To thrust or plant in the ground, as stakes or poles; hence, to fix firmly, as by means of poles; to establish; to arrange; as, to pitch a tent; to pitch a camp..
Range :: Range (n.) To separate into parts; to sift.
Musicomania :: Musicomania (n.) A kind of monomania in which the passion for music becomes so strong as to derange the intellectual faculties.
Rally :: Rally (v. i.) To come into orderly arrangement; to renew order, or united effort, as troops scattered or put to flight; to assemble; to unite..
Concert :: Concert (v. t.) To plan; to devise; to arrange.
Disheveled :: Disheveled (a.) Having in loose disorder; disarranged; as, disheveled hair..
King :: King (n.) A Chinese musical instrument, consisting of resonant stones or metal plates, arranged according to their tones in a frame of wood, and struck with a hammer..
Microspectroscope :: Microspectroscope (n.) A spectroscope arranged for attachment to a microscope, for observation of the spectrum of light from minute portions of any substance..
Shaddock :: Shaddock (n.) A tree (Citrus decumana) and its fruit, which is a large species of orange; -- called also forbidden fruit, and pompelmous..
Unformed :: Unformed (a.) Not formed; not arranged into regular shape, order, or relations; shapeless; amorphous..
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