Definition of quick

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Quick (superl.) Speedy; hasty; swift; not slow; as, be quick..

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Sudden :: Sudden (a.) Hastly prepared or employed; quick; rapid.
Swish :: Swish (n.) A sound of quick movement, as of something whirled through the air..
Sputter :: Sputter (v. t.) To spit out hastily by quick, successive efforts, with a spluttering sound; to utter hastily and confusedly, without control over the organs of speech..
Bright :: Bright (a.) Having a clear, quick intellect; intelligent..
Andantino :: Andantino (a.) Rather quicker than andante; between that allegretto.
Dribble :: Dribble (v. i.) To fall in drops or small drops, or in a quick succession of drops; as, water dribbles from the eaves..
Rash :: Rash (superl.) Sudden in action; quick; hasty.
Twinkling :: Twinkling (n.) The act of one who, or of that which, twinkles; a quick movement of the eye; a wink; a twinkle..
Quick :: Quick (n.) That which is quick, or alive; a living animal or plant; especially, the hawthorn, or other plants used in making a living hedge..
Flirt :: Flirt (n.) A sudden jerk; a quick throw or cast; a darting motion; hence, a jeer..
Flutist :: Flutist (n.) To move with quick vibrations or undulations; as, a sail flutters in the wind; a fluttering fan..
Jerk :: "Jerk (v. t.) To give a quick and suddenly arrested thrust, push, pull, or twist, to; to yerk; as, to jerk one with the elbow; to jerk a coat off..
Pop :: Pop (n.) A small, sharp, quick explosive sound or report; as, to go off with a pop..
Twang :: Twang (n.) A harsh, quick sound, like that made by a stretched string when pulled and suddenly let go; as, the twang of a bowstring..
Quickening :: Quickening (n.) The first motion of the fetus in the womb felt by the mother, occurring usually about the middle of the term of pregnancy. It has been popularly supposed to be due to the fetus becoming possessed of independent life..
Pyrrhic :: Pyrrhic (n.) An ancient Greek martial dance, to the accompaniment of the flute, its time being very quick..
Expediently :: Expediently (adv.) With expedition; quickly.
Abridgment :: Abridgment (n.) That which abridges or cuts short; hence, an entertainment that makes the time pass quickly..
Live :: Live (v. i.) To have a spiritual existence; to be quickened, nourished, and actuated by divine influence or faith..
Fleet :: Fleet (n. & a.) To fly swiftly; to pass over quickly; to hasten; to flit as a light substance.
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