Definition of quart

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Quart (n.) A vessel or measure containing a quart.

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Eking :: Eking (v. t.) The carved work under the quarter piece at the aft part of the quarter gallery.
Felsite :: Felsite (n.) A finegrained rock, flintlike in fracture, consisting essentially of orthoclase feldspar with occasional grains of quartz..
Tappit Hen :: Tappit hen () A measuring pot holding one quart (according to some, three quarts); -- so called from a knob on the lid, thought to resemble a crested hen..
Quarterhung :: Quarterhung (a.) Having trunnions the axes of which lie below the bore; -- said of a cannon.
Morion :: Morion (n.) A dark variety of smoky quartz.
Aventurine :: Aventurine (n.) A variety of translucent quartz, spangled throughout with scales of yellow mica..
Quarterly :: Quarterly (a.) Containing, or consisting of, a fourth part; as, quarterly seasons..
Quarto :: Quarto (n.) Originally, a book of the size of the fourth of sheet of printing paper; a size leaves; in present usage, a book of a square or nearly square form, and usually of large size..
Quarterly :: Quarterly (adv.) In quarters, or quarterings; as, to bear arms quarterly; in four or more parts; -- said of a shield thus divided by lines drawn through it at right angles..
Trapezohedron :: Trapezohedron (n.) A tetartohedral solid of the hexagonal system, bounded by six trapezoidal planes. The faces of this form are common on quartz crystals..
Jasper :: "Jasper (n.) An opaque, impure variety of quartz, of red, yellow, and other dull colors, breaking with a smooth surface. It admits of a high polish, and is used for vases, seals, snuff boxes, etc. When the colors are in stripes or bands, it is called striped / banded jasper. The Egyptian pebble is a brownish yellow jasper..
Gneiss :: Gneiss (n.) A crystalline rock, consisting, like granite, of quartz, feldspar, and mica, but having these materials, especially the mica, arranged in planes, so that it breaks rather easily into coarse slabs or flags. Hornblende sometimes takes the place of the mica, and it is then called hornblendic / syenitic gneiss. Similar varieties of related rocks are also called gneiss..
Porphyritic :: Porphyritic (a.) Relating to, or resembling, porphyry, that is, characterized by the presence of distinct crystals, as of feldspar, quartz, or augite, in a relatively fine-grained base, often aphanitic or cryptocrystalline..
Stanchion :: Stanchion (n.) Any upright post or beam used as a support, as for the deck, the quarter rails, awnings, etc..
Quartic :: Quartic (n.) A curve or surface whose equation is of the fourth degree in the variables.
Quartter :: Quartter (v. t.) To furnish with shelter or entertainment; to supply with the means of living for a time; especially, to furnish shelter to; as, to quarter soldiers..
Quarte :: Quarte (n.) A position in thrusting or parrying, with the inside of the hand turned upward and the point of the weapon toward the adversary's right breast..
Quarter-deck :: Quarter-deck (n.) That part of the upper deck abaft the mainmast, including the poop deck when there is one..
Quartenylic :: Quartenylic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the acrylic acid series, metameric with crotonic acid, and obtained as a colorless liquid; -- so called from having four carbon atoms in the molecule. Called also isocrotonic acid..
Chalcedony :: Chalcedony (n.) A cryptocrystalline, translucent variety of quartz, having usually a whitish color, and a luster nearly like wax..
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