Definition of qualify

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Qualify (v. t.) To make such as is required; to give added or requisite qualities to; to fit, as for a place, office, occupation, or character; to furnish with the knowledge, skill, or other accomplishment necessary for a purpose; to make capable, as of an employment or privilege; to supply with legal power or capacity..

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Conditionate :: Conditionate (v. t.) To qualify by conditions; to regulate.
Unfit :: Unfit (v. t.) To make unsuitable or incompetent; to deprive of the strength, skill, or proper qualities for anything; to disable; to incapacitate; to disqualify; as, sickness unfits a man for labor; sin unfits us for the society of holy beings..
Disenable :: Disenable (v. t.) To disable; to disqualify.
Incapacitate :: Incapacitate (v. t.) To deprive of legal or constitutional requisites, or of ability or competency for the performance of certain civil acts; to disqualify..
Qualificative :: Qualificative (n.) That which qualifies, modifies, or restricts; a qualifying term or statement..
Soul :: Soul (n.) A human being; a person; -- a familiar appellation, usually with a qualifying epithet; as, poor soul..
Limitation :: Limitation (v. t.) That which limits; a restriction; a qualification; a restraining condition, defining circumstance, or qualifying conception; as, limitations of thought..
Executive :: Executive (a.) Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect; as, executive talent; qualifying for, concerned with, or pertaining to, the execution of the laws or the conduct of affairs; as, executive power or authority; executive duties, officer, department, etc..
Folks :: Folks (n. collect. & pl.) People in general, or a separate class of people; -- generally used in the plural form, and often with a qualifying adjective; as, the old folks; poor folks..
Disable :: Disable (v. t.) To render unable or incapable; to destroy the force, vigor, or power of action of; to deprive of competent physical or intellectual power; to incapacitate; to disqualify; to make incompetent or unfit for service; to impair..
Contemper :: Contemper (v. t.) To modify or temper; to allay; to qualify; to moderate; to soften.
Prepare :: Prepare (v. t.) To fit, adapt, or qualify for a particular purpose or condition; to make ready; to put into a state for use or application; as, to prepare ground for seed; to prepare a lesson..
Companion :: Companion (v. t.) To qualify as a companion; to make equal.
Quantity :: Quantity (v. t.) To modify or qualify with respect to quantity; to fix or express the quantity of; to rate.
Rehabilitate :: Rehabilitate (v. t.) To invest or clothe again with some right, authority, or dignity; to restore to a former capacity; to reinstate; to qualify again; to restore, as a delinquent, to a former right, rank, or privilege lost or forfeited; -- a term of civil and canon law..
Entitle :: Entitle (v. t.) To give a claim to; to qualify for, with a direct object of the person, and a remote object of the thing; to furnish with grounds for seeking or claiming with success; as, an officer's talents entitle him to command..
Qualify :: Qualify (v. t.) To soothe; to cure; -- said of persons.
Qualify :: Qualify (v. t.) Hence, to soften; to abate; to diminish; to assuage; to reduce the strength of, as liquors..
Justify :: Justify (v. i.) To take oath to the ownership of property sufficient to qualify one's self as bail or surety.
Capacitate :: Capacitate (v. t.) To render capable; to enable; to qualify.
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