Definition of purpose

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Purpose (v. i.) To have a purpose or intention; to discourse.

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Orillon :: Orillon (n.) A semicircular projection made at the shoulder of a bastion for the purpose of covering the retired flank, -- found in old fortresses..
Bell Jar :: Bell jar () A glass vessel, varying in size, open at the bottom and closed at the top like a bell, and having a knob or handle at the top for lifting it. It is used for a great variety of purposes; as, with the air pump, and for holding gases, also for keeping the dust from articles exposed to view..
Tap :: Tap (v. t.) Hence, to draw from (anything) in any analogous way; as, to tap telegraph wires for the purpose of intercepting information; to tap the treasury..
Botanize :: Botanize (v. t.) To explore for botanical purposes.
Xylography :: Xylography (n.) A method pf printing in colors upon wood for purposes of house decoration.
Conserve :: Conserve (v. t.) To prepare with sugar, etc., for the purpose of preservation, as fruits, etc.; to make a conserve of..
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Conium :: Conium (n.) The common hemlock (Conium maculatum, poison hemlock, spotted hemlock, poison parsley), a roadside weed of Europe, Asia, and America, cultivated in the United States for medicinal purpose. It is an active poison. The leaves and fruit are used in medicine..
Inane :: Inane (a.) Without contents; empty; void of sense or intelligence; purposeless; pointless; characterless; useless.
Ventilation :: Ventilation (n.) The act of fanning, or winnowing, for the purpose of separating chaff and dust from the grain..
Claptrap :: Claptrap (a.) Contrived for the purpose of making a show, or gaining applause; deceptive; unreal..
Precisive :: Precisive (a.) Cutting off; (Logic) exactly limiting by cutting off all that is not absolutely relative to the purpose; as, precisive censure; precisive abstraction..
Random :: Random (a.) Going at random or by chance; done or made at hazard, or without settled direction, aim, or purpose; hazarded without previous calculation; left to chance; haphazard; as, a random guess..
Flush :: Flush (v. t.) To cause to be full; to flood; to overflow; to overwhelm with water; as, to flush the meadows; to flood for the purpose of cleaning; as, to flush a sewer..
Point :: Point (v. i.) To direct the point of something, as of a finger, for the purpose of designating an object, and attracting attention to it; -- with at..
Trinitarian :: Trinitarian (n.) One of a monastic order founded in Rome in 1198 by St. John of Matha, and an old French hermit, Felix of Valois, for the purpose of redeeming Christian captives from the Mohammedans..
By-end :: By-end (n.) Private end or interest; secret purpose; selfish advantage.
Amadou :: Amadou (n.) A spongy, combustible substance, prepared from fungus (Boletus and Polyporus) which grows on old trees; German tinder; punk. It has been employed as a styptic by surgeons, but its common use is as tinder, for which purpose it is prepared by soaking it in a strong solution of niter..
Fulfill :: Fulfill (v. t.) To accomplish or carry into effect, as an intention, promise, or prophecy, a desire, prayer, or requirement, etc.; to complete by performance; to answer the requisitions of; to bring to pass, as a purpose or design; to effectuate..
Goal :: Goal (n.) The final purpose or aim; the end to which a design tends, or which a person aims to reach or attain..
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