Definition of balm

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Balm (v. i.) To anoint with balm, or with anything medicinal. Hence: To soothe; to mitigate..

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Sweet :: Sweet (superl.) Pleasing to the smell; fragrant; redolent; balmy; as, a sweet rose; sweet odor; sweet incense..
Subalpine :: Subalmoner (n.) An under almoner.
Tacamahaca :: Tacamahaca (n.) Any tree yielding tacamahac resin, especially, in North America, the balsam poplar, or balm of Gilead (Populus balsamifera)..
Stonerunner :: Stoneroot (n.) A North American plant (Collinsonia Canadensis) having a very hard root; horse balm. See Horse balm, under Horse..
Embalmer :: Embalmer (n.) One who embalms.
Chrism :: Chrism (n.) Olive oil mixed with balm and spices, consecrated by the bishop on Maundy Thursday, and used in the administration of baptism, confirmation, ordination, etc..
Embalming :: Embalming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Embal.
Balm :: Balm (n.) An aromatic plant of the genus Melissa.
Embalm :: Embalm (v. t.) To anoint all over with balm; especially, to preserve from decay by means of balm or other aromatic oils, or spices; to fill or impregnate (a dead body), with aromatics and drugs that it may resist putrefaction..
Balm :: Balm (n.) Any fragrant ointment.
Imbalm :: Imbalm (v. t.) See Embalm.
Melissa :: Melissa (n.) A genus of labiate herbs, including the balm, or bee balm (Melissa officinalis)..
Balmily :: Balmily (adv.) In a balmy manner.
Balm :: Balm (n.) Anything that heals or that mitigates pain.
Balm :: Balm (n.) The resinous and aromatic exudation of certain trees or shrubs.
Embalm :: Embalm (v. t.) To preserve from decay or oblivion as if with balm; to perpetuate in remembrance.
Turtlehead :: Turtlehead (n.) An American perennial herb (Chelone glabra) having white flowers shaped like the head of a turtle. Called also snakehead, shell flower, and balmony..
Opobalsamum :: Opobalsamum (n.) The old name of the aromatic resinous juice of the Balsamodendron opobalsamum, now commonly called balm of Gilead. See under Balm..
Balmy :: Balmy (a.) Having the qualities of balm; odoriferous; aromatic; assuaging; soothing; refreshing; mild.
Mummy :: Mummy (n.) A dead body embalmed and dried after the manner of the ancient Egyptians; also, a body preserved, by any means, in a dry state, from the process of putrefaction..
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