Definition of puff

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Puff (v. t.) To repel with words; to blow at contemptuously.

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Gasteromycetes :: Gasteromycetes (n. pl.) An order of fungi, in which the spores are borne inside a sac called the peridium, as in the puffballs..
Fozy :: Fozy (a.) Spongy; soft; fat and puffy.
Yeast :: Yeast (n.) The foam, or troth (top yeast), or the sediment (bottom yeast), of beer or other in fermentation, which contains the yeast plant or its spores, and under certain conditions produces fermentation in saccharine or farinaceous substances; a preparation used for raising dough for bread or cakes, and making it light and puffy; barm; ferment..
Purse-proud :: Purse-proud (a.) Affected with purse pride; puffed up with the possession of riches.
Puffer :: Puffer (n.) One who puffs; one who praises with noisy or extravagant commendation.
Coulterneb :: Coulterneb (n.) The puffin.
Turgent :: Turgent (a.) Rising into a tumor, or a puffy state; swelling; tumid; as, turgent humors..
Rise :: Rise (v.) To swell or puff up in the process of fermentation; to become light, as dough, and the like..
Boln :: Boln (v. i.) To swell; to puff.
Swell :: Swell (v. t.) To raise to arrogance; to puff up; to inflate; as, to be swelled with pride or haughtiness..
Fungus :: Fungus (n.) Any one of the Fungi, a large and very complex group of thallophytes of low organization, -- the molds, mildews, rusts, smuts, mushrooms, toadstools, puff balls, and the allies of each..
Shearwater :: Shearwater (n.) Any one of numerous species of long-winged oceanic birds of the genus Puffinus and related genera. They are allied to the petrels, but are larger. The Manx shearwater (P. Anglorum), the dusky shearwater (P. obscurus), and the greater shearwater (P. major), are well-known species of the North Atlantic. See Hagdon..
Puff :: Puff (v. t.) To repel with words; to blow at contemptuously.
Strout :: Strout (v. i.) To swell; to puff out; to project.
Huff :: Huff (v. t.) To swell; to enlarge; to puff up; as, huffed up with air..
Inflated :: Inflated (a.) Turgid; swelling; puffed up; bombastic; pompous; as, an inflated style..
Balloon :: Balloon (v. i.) To expand, or puff out, like a balloon..
Puffery :: Puffery (n.) The act of puffing; bestowment of extravagant commendation.
Willock :: Willock (n.) The puffin.
Puckfist :: Puckfist (n.) A puffball.
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