Definition of prostrate

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Prostrate (v. t.) To throw down, or cause to fall in humility or adoration; to cause to bow in humble reverence; used reflexively; as, he prostrated himself..

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Fell :: Fell (v. i.) To cause to fall; to prostrate; to bring down or to the ground; to cut down.
Repent :: Repent (a.) Prostrate and rooting; -- said of stems.
Prostration :: Prostration (n.) The condition of being prostrate; great depression; lowness; dejection; as, a postration of spirits..
Offset :: Offset (n.) A short prostrate shoot, which takes root and produces a tuft of leaves, etc. See Illust. of Houseleek..
Prostrate :: Prostrate (v. t.) To cause to sink totally; to deprive of strength; to reduce; as, a person prostrated by fever..
Sarment :: Sarment (n.) A prostrate filiform stem or runner, as of the strawberry. See Runner..
Prostrate :: Prostrate (a.) Lying at mercy, as a supplicant..
Decumbent :: Decumbent (a.) Lying down; prostrate; recumbent.
Prostrate :: Prostrate (v. t.) To lay fiat; to throw down; to level; to fell; as, to prostrate the body; to prostrate trees or plants..
Prostrated :: Prostrated (imp. & p. p.) of Prostrat.
Prostrate :: Prostrate (a.) Trailing on the ground; procumbent.
Prostrate :: Prostrate (a.) Lying at length, or with the body extended on the ground or other surface; stretched out; as, to sleep prostrate..
Flating :: Flating (a.) With the flat side, as of a sword; flatlong; in a prostrate position..
Prostrate :: Prostrate (v. t.) to overthrow; to demolish; to destroy; to deprive of efficiency; to ruin; as, to prostrate a village; to prostrate a government; to prostrate law or justice..
Fall :: Fall (v. t.) To become prostrate and dead; to die; especially, to die by violence, as in battle..
Stoop :: Stoop (v. t.) To cause to submit; to prostrate.
Grovel :: Grovel (adv.) To creep on the earth, or with the face to the ground; to lie prone, or move uneasily with the body prostrate on the earth; to lie fiat on one's belly, expressive of abjectness; to crawl..
Windfall :: Windfall (n.) Anything blown down or off by the wind, as fruit from a tree, or the tree itself, or a portion of a forest prostrated by a violent wind, etc..
Flat :: Flat (superl.) Lying at full length, or spread out, upon the ground; level with the ground or earth; prostrate; as, to lie flat on the ground; hence, fallen; laid low; ruined; destroyed..
Flatten :: Flatten (a.) To throw down; to bring to the ground; to prostrate; hence, to depress; to deject; to dispirit..
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