Definition of productive

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Productive (a.) Producing, or able to produce, in large measure; fertile; profitable..

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Cestoidea :: Cestoidea (n. pl.) A class of parasitic worms (Platelminthes) of which the tapeworms are the most common examples. The body is flattened, and usually but not always long, and composed of numerous joints or segments, each of which may contain a complete set of male and female reproductive organs. They have neither mouth nor intestine. See Tapeworm..
Gamomorphism :: Gamomorphism (n.) That stage of growth or development in an organism, in which the reproductive elements are generated and matured in preparation for propagating the species..
Swarmspore :: Swarmspore (n.) One of innumerable minute, motile, reproductive bodies, produced asexually by certain algae and fungi; a zoospore..
Siva :: Siva (n.) One of the triad of Hindoo gods. He is the avenger or destroyer, and in modern worship symbolizes the reproductive power of nature..
Sanctify :: Sanctify (v. t.) To make efficient as the means of holiness; to render productive of holiness or piety.
Fertile :: Fertile (a.) Producing fruit or vegetation in abundance; fruitful; able to produce abundantly; prolific; fecund; productive; rich; inventive; as, fertile land or fields; a fertile mind or imagination..
Lingam :: Lingam (n.) The phallic symbol under which Siva is principally worshiped in his character of the creative and reproductive power.
Battel :: Battel (a.) Fertile; fruitful; productive.
Spermatheca :: Spermatheca (n.) A small sac connected with the female reproductive organs of insects and many other invertebrates, serving to receive and retain the spermatozoa..
Gonoblastid :: Gonoblastid (n.) A reproductive bud of a hydroid; a simple gonophore.
Spore :: Spore (n.) A minute grain or germ; a small, round or ovoid body, formed in certain organisms, and by germination giving rise to a new organism; as, the reproductive spores of bacteria, etc..
Fructification :: Fructification (n.) The act of forming or producing fruit; the act of fructifying, or rendering productive of fruit; fecundation..
Prolific :: Prolific (a.) Having the quality of generating; producing young or fruit; generative; fruitful; productive; -- applied to plants producing fruit, animals producing young, etc.; -- usually with the implied idea of frequent or numerous production; as, a prolific tree, female, and the like..
Plenty :: Plenty (a.) Full or adequate supply; enough and to spare; sufficiency; specifically, abundant productiveness of the earth; ample supply for human wants; abundance; copiousness..
Improve :: Improve (v. t.) To use or employ to good purpose; to make productive; to turn to profitable account; to utilize; as, to improve one's time; to improve his means..
Sour :: Sour (v. t.) To make cold and unproductive, as soil..
Porpita :: Porpita (n.) A genus of bright-colored Siphonophora found floating in the warmer parts of the ocean. The individuals are round and disk-shaped, with a large zooid in the center of the under side, surrounded by smaller nutritive and reproductive zooids, and by slender dactylozooids near the margin. The disk contains a central float, or pneumatocyst..
Digenous :: Digenous (a.) Sexually reproductive.
Emphyteusis :: Emphyteusis (n.) A real right, susceptible of assignment and of descent, charged on productive real estate, the right being coupled with the enjoyment of the property on condition of taking care of the estate and paying taxes, and sometimes a small rent..
Manure :: Manure (n.) Any matter which makes land productive; a fertilizing substance, as the contents of stables and barnyards, dung, decaying animal or vegetable substances, etc..
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