Definition of prescript

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Prescript (a.) Directed; prescribed.

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Spatula :: Spatula (n.) An implement shaped like a knife, flat, thin, and somewhat flexible, used for spreading paints, fine plasters, drugs in compounding prescriptions, etc. Cf. Palette knife, under Palette..
Prescription :: Prescription (n.) A direction of a remedy or of remedies for a disease, and the manner of using them; a medical recipe; also, a prescribed remedy..
Adjuvant :: Adjuvant (n.) An ingredient, in a prescription, which aids or modifies the action of the principal ingredient..
Warren :: Warren (n.) A place privileged, by prescription or grant the king, for keeping certain animals (as hares, conies, partridges, pheasants, etc.) called beasts and fowls of warren..
Prescript :: Prescript (n.) A medical prescription.
Prescribe :: Prescribe (v. i.) To claim by prescription; to claim a title to a thing on the ground of immemorial use and enjoyment, that is, by a custom having the force of law..
Imprescriptible :: Imprescriptible (a.) Not derived from, or dependent on, external authority; self-evidencing; obvious..
Quacksalver :: Quacksalver (n.) One who boasts of his skill in medicines and salves, or of the efficacy of his prescriptions; a charlatan; a quack; a mountebank..
Prescription :: Prescription (n.) A prescribing for title; the claim of title to a thing by virtue immemorial use and enjoyment; the right or title acquired by possession had during the time and in the manner fixed by law.
Magistral :: Magistral (a.) Formulated extemporaneously, or for a special case; -- opposed to officinal, and said of prescriptions and medicines..
Prescript :: Prescript (n.) Direction; precept; model prescribed.
Custom :: Custom (n.) Long-established practice, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent; usage. See Usage, and Prescription..
Prescriptively :: Prescriptively (adv.) By prescription.
Usucaption :: Usucaption (n.) The acquisition of the title or right to property by the uninterrupted possession of it for a certain term prescribed by law; -- the same as prescription in common law.
Subscription :: Subscription (n.) That part of a prescription which contains the direction to the apothecary.
Dover's Powder :: Dover's Powder () A powder of ipecac and opium, compounded, in the United States, with sugar of milk, but in England (as formerly in the United States) with sulphate of potash, and in France (as in Dr. Dover's original prescription) with nitrate and sulphate of potash and licorice. It is an anodyne diaphoretic..
Appendant :: Appendant (v. t.) Appended by prescription, that is, a personal usage for a considerable time; -- said of a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is superior or more worthy; as, an advowson, common, etc. , which may be appendant to a manor, common of fishing to a freehold, a seat in church to a house..
Placebo :: Placebo (n.) A prescription intended to humor or satisfy.
Prescriptive :: Prescriptive (a.) Consisting in, or acquired by, immemorial or long-continued use and enjoyment; as, a prescriptive right of title; pleading the continuance and authority of long custom..
Rule :: Rule (a.) That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for conduct or action; a governing direction for a specific purpose; an authoritative enactment; a regulation; a prescription; a precept; as, the rules of various societies; the rules governing a school; a rule of etiquette or propriety; the rules of cricket..
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